CH 12: War Of The Race's

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"Thanks for being here for me, I really appreciate it," Jona told Luis, She had been in the hospital for a few days ever since her little encounter; being surrounded by the four white walls of the hospital room almost drove her crazy, the only thing keeping her sane being the window next to her bed, overseeing the coast; and Luis's daily visits.

She laughed, "After eating hospital food for so long, I really want your mom's cooking; the stuff here really sucks." she said, her voice hoarse.

He smiled at her, his hand over hers, his grip strong; almost as if he didn't hold her tight, she would fly away.
"Any time Chica." There was silence for a moment as they took in each other's presence; Jona eyeballed the towering buildings and then the shore, "Can't believe I'm saying this, but I just wanna be back out at sea again," she never thought that she would want to just return to duty, but sitting here for hours on end with just her thoughts was eye-opening, her mind always returning to being tied to that tree.

She wanted her mind to be occupied, needed her mind to be occupied; she never thought that what happened would weigh on her as much as its doing now; she thought she would be able to saddle right through it, Maybe she wasn't as tough as she liked to believe.

"Listen, Jona," Luis said breaking the silence, her gaze returned to him, her light blue eyes peering at him, "I wanted to ask you this for a while now. . . and I know now might not be the best time but. . ." she stayed looking at him, focused on his words and eyes, he looked directly into her eyes and drew his face closer to hers, she didn't move back but stayed put.

"You being here," he pointed at her and then at the floor, "Made me realize that if I don't ask sooner or later I might never get the chance again, that at any moment life could...take an unexpected turn... and-"

"Shut up and kiss me,"

As soon as those words registered he didn't hesitate, he grabbed the side of her face and pulled her in, their lips touched as the emotions they had both been holding in were let loose like that of an overflooded dam, their breathes mixed, as they savored their sweet embrace, only parting to catch more, "celestial. . ." {Heavenly} he uttered, as they looked deep into each other's eyes "I always wanted you to do that...and more..."

"I can do a lot more Chica." They both breathed heavily as their lips made contact again.
"I can't wait to leave," she said. He pulled her closer until the curtains suddenly opened, and they both quickly pushed each other away, looking at the nurse walking in, who was too preoccupied with looking at a tablet.

"Ms.Archer," she said, "The x-rays came back and it looks like you are all good to go, just go easy on your hands okay, no heavy lifting, let the nanobots do their job alright?" She tilted her head down to emphasize, "Thank you, I will," she smiled at the nurse before she handed her the tablet, "Just fill out some information and you will be good to go, for sure now,"

Jona looked at the glob of texts and legal fees, all of it being mumbo jumbo, speaking in encrypted messaging, Luis laughed, "The best part to freedom. . . bills," he chuckled some more, his eyes glazing at her and the tablet, "Ugh, tell me about it," she read and sighed, the tablet making a cute dinging sound, a 'Thank you for service' message appeared before it showed 95% of the cost was covered.

Jona was ready to give the tablet back, but the nurse's eyes were glued to the TV like a bee to honey, "Miss?" Jona said, she too looking at the TV, her eyes widening as amalgamations of black slimy large demonic looking creatures emerged from the ocean, live on the news channel that was playing in the back, She hadn't really been paying attention to it at all, thinking it was the typical slothful grey they always play.

"That's a movie. . . right?" Luis said, his eyes shooting back between the nurse, Jona, and the TV, Jona jerked her head towards the window, and she saw it, the same footage being shown on the T.V., There it was, that same mucus-covered thing, that rivaled the height of a skyscraper, the hospital in which they resided was far from the shore, but she could see it clear as day from the window.

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