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-BLACK LEOPARD - A known and historically feared Task Force; only the most elite can make it into this squad, whether brain or brawn. These operatives are extremely skilled and dangerous; known for assassinating public figures; brewing conflict and intelligence gathering. When this group was first created they were highly secretive but many intelligence gatherings from other nations brought light to the group, their identities are still unknown to certain other branches of the AU military but for years their name has spread; striking fear into anyone who is their selected target. Created in 1945-Present.


- Ckleck Rinewell- She is a deadly soldier and has worked hard to get into the elite group which is that of Black Leopard, She is 28, born on August 19, 2043. She joined the military when she was just 17 years of age and quickly rose the ranks. She got her first kill when patrolling in Germany; human resistance fighters ambushed her convoy when she was on a supply run; On that day, she was 20, and killed a staggering twenty-three combatants in only five minutes, helping her greatly to join Black Leopard.

Role: The breacher is the brawn of the unit. She carries a heavy machine gun and is outfitted with heavy-duty full-body armor, because of her size and strength, she carries the unit's extra supplies if needed.

Race: Mixed-colored brown Gysinge wolf, 7 foot 10,


- Azzrick Nome- He is a smart soldier he earned his position in Black Leopard by hacking into several FAM databases and exposing weaknesses in several AU cybersecurity, his skill set earned him his position in Black Leopard, and he is the youngest member of the team at 20 years of age, born 2051, December, 20. He got his first kill when stationed at a FOB when several F.A.M. operatives attacked it.

Role: Intelligence. He is there when technology is an obstacle for the team.

Race: Navy blue Great White shark, 6 foot 2,


- Kal'el Slevra- She is a ferocious sniper she climbed the ranks like many other of her squad mates, proving herself to be reliable when it comes to long-distance accurate sniper shots when in the rangers; her actions made her get scouted into Black Leopard. She is 25, born April 3, 2046. She got her first kill when covering her ranger squad mates in an offensive on a FAM base she took out 7 members from 6000+ feet who were high-ranking members of the European front, She would prove herself further when dispatching X combatants throughout her short time in the rangers before she was transferred to Black Leopard.

Role: She is the sniper of Black Leopard, and usually covers them from afar or acts as a scout in certain cases.

Race: Black Puma, 6 foot 5,


- Melvin Zape- he is a skilled soldier and earned his position in Black Leopard by his excellent marksmanship he is 30, born July 6, 2041. Before being in Black Leopard he was in a tactical group and has gone on his share of fair of missions whether it be field operations or in the reserve, he got his first kill when on patrol and took out a sniper from 2000+ feet saving many of his comrades from enemy fire.

Role: Rifleman, serves as extra firepower for the team whether it be upfront or support.

Race: Green Lizard/Komodo dragon,7 foot 4,


- Finpa La'Qro- She is an admiral soldier, she earned her position through her sheer experience of being on the field, high-ranking generals saw her best suited for the role. she is 38 born March 7, 2033. She joined the military at the age of 18. Her first kill was when she was 18, fresh out of boot camp; she was to serve on guard duty at a supply station in the Russian Arctic when she and other guards came under attack.

Role: Is the leader of Black Leopard.

Race: blue 5th gen true dragon, 7 foot 2


-Zeka Wint- she is a decorated soldier, she earned her position by her life-saving performances in action, saving countless lives, which earned her a position in Black Leopard. She is 27, born October 13, 2044.

Role: Team medic.

Race: white Coyote, 6'8,


ANTHRO UNION - Is a Union of countries, that come together for votes on certain issues or topics that are usually used to benefit the whole Instead of being run by a single figurehead, they are run by the Council of Authority or CA, There are 47 council members with the most influential being the Nation of Akea, run by Astrea'lamon, a winged white Anthro; all council members are life members unless voted off. The AU was founded in 1743, it started as a tribal union but soon developed into the system that is still in place in 2071. The AU has many organizations such as the A.D.O that dwell on human welfare, many personnel are left unsupervised which the AU is supposed to look over, but have been preoccupied with events that need their direct attention. A total of 1.02 billion fall under the citizenship of the AU; Life has been great, although many constructions are being finished from the rebuilding effort, it has mostly completed these projects, and it also has made way in advanced technology such as uses in the military; the AU has a total of 2.3 Million military personnel that work in the basic military branches. They view the UCA as a moderate threat to their union but do not underestimate their ability to use WMD, furthermore, there has so far been a mutual understanding to avoid each other. Created: 1723-Present

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