CH 6: A Grander Diplomacy PT1

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[...Big ship Little Ship...]

On a long road; a caravan of black cars drove down it at high speeds; tall trees lining each side of them; toward the front; a large black truck resembling a troop transport in which Finpa, Ckleck, Melvin, and Azzrick resided; with a human driver in a black suit and glasses that followed the car ahead of them; Anthony sat in the passenger seat looking at documents.

"Can't believe this shit, fuckin' embarrassin', " Ckleck muttered, She sat across Melvin and Finpa with Azzrick to her right.

To be helped by humans irritated her beyond belief; B.L. basically failing a scouting mission? To then end up stranded and then no less be helped by skinners; as much as she hated to admit it, they were being helped without them; their time being stranded in the UCA would most likely be a lot worse; she can only imagine how the other squads will react when they catch word that B.L. the super elite that super-elite this; was spotted by skinner tech.

"Hard to believe they did all this just to get the AU's attention," Melvin said. Azzrick was quick to respond to him; he seemed to be having a hard time sitting still as his hands or legs seemed to move nonstop.

"I know right? I wonder how they did it; whatever is on that shard must be pretty important if they would go so far as to separate themselves from the world net like that just to get attention."

Melvin chuckled, "I'm pretty sure if they tried to contact the higher ups they probably would have been left on read. . . A feeling all too familiar. . ."

"Cucked?" Ckleck said as she began to laugh to herself. Melvin waved her off, "I should have seen the signs of her being unfaithful; she went running off with a. . . A lynx? A puma maybe? Doesn't matter, either way, I'm glad we didn't last long anyhow's, wouldn't have been home most of the time as is anyways. . ."

"Why she leave? You must have done somethin' to her with that weird huskie fetish you have. . . Turned her off? Made her dry~" Ckleck said, a grin hiding behind her helmet.

"Pssh, as if! It just so happens to be that all the women I fall for just so happen to be one, she said she left because 'He was bigger,'" He says with disgust "Maybe just all canines are just unloyal size-driven mutts. . ."

"Take that back shrimp dick; we canines just have a preference; I dated a smaller ocelot before, and when I found out that he 'just so happens to be talkin' with someone else,'
we went our separate ways," Ckleck says shrugging her shoulders.

"For you're; information, It's average, and I doubt it was that easy. . ."

Ckleck laughed, "Whatever helps you sleep better at night, and for your information, of course, it was, put him in the hospital for a few days and told him if I ever saw him again he'll be eatin' out a tube for the rest of his life."

"Breaking your trust? I somehow don't doubt that,"

Ckleck's grin could practically break through her helmet as she answered, "Damn right, fuck around and find out,"

"What about you Azzrick, seeing anyone special back home?" Melvin asked, Azzrick tensed up not moving a muscle. "Uh. . . No. . . I don't know. . ."

"Well, when you do let me know first! I have some major tips on how to get and keep any girl you got you're eyes on!" he said placing his hands on his hips as if he were a superhero.

"Didn't you just say you were cucked by a guy with a bigger dick?" Ckleck said, her frame shaking as she looked at him.

"I. NEVER. SAID. THAT. Don't listen to her Azzrick; sometimes you win some; sometimes you lose some, but I am an expert in the craft of getting gals don't ever doubt me at that."

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