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    - Refer to character names for  reference -

Shots rang out as the sound-- of gunfire echoed throughout the base; dozens of people lay dead on the floor or slumped on a wall-- red painting the metallic vicinity of the base, screams: could be heard from the fallen as those who managed to survive their wounds yelled out in pain.

Two large figures dressed in deep grey metallic armor while black padding covered their bodies in certain places-- not leaving an ounce of exposure.

Finpa La'Qro and the other larger figure; Ckleck Rinewell, were pinned down by fire from a long corridor; they were taking cover, waiting.

The fighter's fire came to an-- abrupt stop as he fumbled with his light machine gun; Ckleck rushed forward raising her weapon on the unsuspecting fighter; a single shot echoed out as the bullet went straight through his head dropping him, red once again painting the base.

Ckleck cleared the small room and motioned for Finpa to follow; they advanced-- Ckleck taking the lead; not one of them uttering a word to each other as they continued clearing the base.

They stopped once they were met with a large metal door, Finpa switched to a channel in her helmet allowing her to communicate with members of her squad; each member of B.L. had cameras that allowed them to see the perspective of each other allowing them to view things they could not, it also silenced their voices when talking; this was otherwise known as 'interlink' throughout the union.

"Kal'el, how many?" There was a short delay before a voice replied. "I am counting. . . Twenty-- maybe thirty; they're all in the field; there's more behind some walls; penetrate?" she said. "Do it," Finpa replied.

Shortly after; yells could be heard from the other side of the door as Ckleck and Finpa remained in position; as if on cue; gunshots from the other side of the base from where the two were located ranged out; the sound of yelling and gunfire intensified as Ckleck reached for the door peaking out; a large field could be seen in the center with another part of the base on the other side of it; she could see smaller figures strewing around taking cover, returning fire or dropping dead.

"Allowing Breach confirmed," she said. She led the way marching outward onto the field, the sun was beaming brightly as arid air flowed around the battlefield, she popped shots herself; she had a bunch of backs facing her as she continued her assault; one by one body after body fell until a fighter took notice of the silencing fire from his peers he turned to see the advancing figures killing his comrades; his eyes and mouth widened before he shouted.


He, too, eventually fell quiet as Ckleck put a bullet in him, but his words had already spread amongst them; they divided their attention to Ckleck as Finpa rushed out taking cover behind some sandbags where some fighters lay dead.

Fire came in the direction of Ckleck; she was hit multiple times but the caliber of the guns seemed to not affect her armor, she advanced absorbing all of the bullets like a sponge, and she obliterated the head of anyone who dared to peek from cover or confront her.

"Damn it Ckleck knock it off! I spotted a skinner with an MG I can't get an angle, you need to take cover."
Kal'el said, she watched from afar through her sniper as Ckleck rampaged through the opened field leaving a trail of bodies in her wake.

"She's gonna get herself killed," Finpa said as she did her best to cover the beast. "Kal'el you got that angle yet?" "Negative."

Ckleck ran through the field she shot some more before a click answered, she didn't slow down; she threw her rifle on her back and pulled out a handgun from her right and a large combat knife on her left.

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