CH 2: I'll see y'all soon kay

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"What about you though, Hows are your parents? I know it's been a while since we had some leave time," Luis said to me as we looked over the railing to the ship; watching as multiple other ships were doing live fire exercises, the day was bright and vibrant ain't no cloud in the sky.
"My folk alright; I had a chance to speak with them a few weeks ago; they moved up yonder to Dakota; they finished a lot of construction up there so it's a lot more housing than back in Tennessee for them," I told em' as one of the destroyers launched a missile, I planned to go see Ma and pop's soon; it's been a while since I last saw their faces.

"Eu posso relacionar," he said; he had a habit of speaking in his native tongue; Spanish was it? either way, he did it a lot.

"We eh..., mesmo bot?" I said; he did it so much I managed to catch on to one or two words.

Luis let out a light chuckle, "I'll give you an A plus for effort,"

I felt a nice light breeze rush by; the mix of warmth from the sun and cool air made a perfect combination that felt amazing on the skin. "You plan to go see them?... you're parents; if so me and my folk could come with eh; a little reunião de familia!" he said starting to do a little dance.

"You know? My Ma makes amazing Açorda oh Porco Preto too; eh what do you say?" He continued. I couldn't help but let out a laugh at his silliness; for as long as I had known him he was always this way; I could feel my mouth start to uncontrollably curl.

"You know that ain't such a bad idea; don't won't you pitching a hissy fit if your favorite person said no." He only let out a laugh as he ran his fingers through his long black curly hair before wrapping an arm around me.

"How about the tenth? By that time I'm sure we could have everything all planned out eh?... Let the família know; time and place." He said with a cheeky smile, "Sure sounds good-"

I was cut off by the deafening sound of what sounded like a low pitch rumble that made my heart move to my throat; whatever it was a powerful shockwave followed; it was so strong it knocked me off my feet slamming me into the ship, it felt like my brain was swimming, I managed to look to my right to see Luis was also knocked down; holding his head eyes shut tight, suddenly; I felt an agonizing ringing sound echo throughout my head as if I were taking a hearing test all over again but much, much worst; I clutched my head; uncontrollably recoiling in a fetal position as it continued.

Whatever happened to us; I felt it slowly starting to subside, I stumbled to my feet holding myself up by leaning on the ship; my eyes were unbelievably hazy as I looked around, Seeing a light blue figure on the floor I presumed Luis; I made my way over to him lightly slapping him on the face as a groan escaped him.

"H-Hey, you alright?" I asked still somewhat dazed; I helped him to his feet leaning him on a wall, "Ugh... yeah yeah I'm good" he said while resting a hand on his head. "What the hell was that?" he added.

Bringing my attention to abeam to port; where the shockwave felt the strongest I squinted; I could see large hazy gray figures, my eyes finally started to clear as I looked onward realizing that it came from a destroyer; UCAS- Deterrence I think. "Not a goddamn clue..." I finally responded.

I continued looking out into the vast ocean; some of the ships just continued firing missiles as if nothin' had happened, unexpectedly a loud rough voice boomed from the intercom that I soon realized was the captain of the ship.


With that, the message ended; leaving silence; only the slight rushing of waves and the creaking of the ship as it rocked in it remained. "Well that totally answers all of my questions," Luis said stretching his back, "You tellin' me..."

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