CH 10: For All Mankind PT3

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[...Young Blood...]

"Take Care of your sister and run, you hear me? you gotta run and don't look back. GO!"

  Air rushed into my lungs, black smoke, and explosions set off everywhere, my white uniform a charcoal black, What the hell is. . . Looking up prisoners, Beast, and those guys from before shooting it out, the big man from before guns down a bunch of beasts before giving weapons to prisoners hidden behind cover.

  "You gonna sleep forever? Or are you actually gonna be useful!?" The man in black leather shoots his hand cannon, "Don't tell me I dragged your ass to cover for nothing, can you shoot?" He throws me a pistol, "What is-" A sharp pain stabs my head, it felt like my mind was swimming while getting stabbed.

  "Your dumbass rushed out into the open, what do you think was gonna happen? These bastards called for backup, so we're gonna have to make a fashional getaway," suddenly, a really pretty woman covered in soot and sweat, rifle in hand, rushes to the man's side. "I thought you liked being outnumbered!?" He chuckled "Only in the bedroom,"

  Grabbing the pistol, the cold metal chills my hand. Lea! I need to find Lea, "H-have seen a girl! Bought this tall?" I ask, rushing next to them, "The princess? Yea, but the fur fuck took her," the woman tells me, she grabs a radio from her hip and talks into it, all the shooting dulls her voice, and that ringing sound in my head didn't help at all to help me hear what she said.

  Then after a short bit, she ran out into the open, the leather man covering her as she did so, "Get em gal!" Mechanized armor smashes through a barrier, running over a few beasts, their screams sounded horrifying as they got crushed under its weight, "W-who are you people?" This is crazy! The screams and shouting still go off in my head, this, this is too much.

  "Hey, listen, boy, I don't know bout you, but I sure for hell ain't gonna sit here forever, let's go make some more music, get a little rowdy," This isn't loud!?, "Stay on my ass if you don't feel like getting flatlined!" He jumps from cover, running into the open shooting. This is crazy, come on, move, this is insane, come on, you gonna get killed, come on, move, move!

  My legs burst to life, I don't know why, but they didn't burn, I couldn't feel anything, my only thought was to follow the leather man as fast as I could, to find Lea; to make sure she was next to me again. I felt better than I had ever felt in I don't know how long as if all the strength before we got captured returned to me, I couldn't hear the screaming, the shooting, the explosions, none of it.

  "Stop!" What! In front of me was a. . . wall!? Pain shot out all throughout my head, and something warm started flowing from my head, "Shit, you a hell of a runner you know that boy!" he grabbed my collar, bringing me to my feet, "Hop on!" Looking at the 'wall,' it was that armor from before, that real pretty woman from before was on a gun, a real big one, laughing and shouting stuff as she shot everywhere.

My legs climbed the small rodded steps, I held the pistol tight, making sure I didn't set it off somehow.
I plop down in one of the seats, the leather man following after me after letting out a few more shots, the armor shakes me as it roars to life, almost making me fall out of the seat.
"Hit it!" The leather man says on a communicator, explosions suddenly sounded like it was everywhere, through a small gap in the armor, I can see a bunch more mechanized armor following behind us.

  The facility burning in flames, and beasts ran everywhere as some of them burned to death or got shot down, some of them missing limbs or a lower half, there were even a few prisoners that lay motionless as everything got smaller the further we drove.

  "WOO! Now that's how you get shit done!" The woman says, coming down from the hole in the roof. Thinking back to the screaming, shouting, the explosions. . . Oh no. . . Oh no. My legs felt weak and my hands wouldn't stop shaking.

  "COME ON!" I hear the leather man shout, the sour slippery chunks slide out my throat, the tightening of my stomach only making it worse, making me stick out my tongue like a frog as I gagged over and over again till more stuff came out. I could hear the woman burst into laughter as the green and yellow vomit squelched onto the floor.

  My mind. . . Doesn't feel right, everything doesn't feel right, not at all. . .


My eyes track the game; the creature rubs its antlers against a tall pine, scraping the soft velvet that coated them to leave the sharp tines beneath, "Easy, be patient," the leaves rattled in a slight breeze; I held my breath for what seemed like forever, watching it.

  The bowstring was held tight in my fingers, ready to launch the arrow; its ears flickered up and down before taking a sip from the stream, "Now," the thrum of the bowstring jolted; as the arrow launched into the game, sending it to its side.

  "I did it!" I rushed out from the shrubs and looked at the creature, "Wasn't clean, here," the creature cried out as its blood turned its brown coat red; I took the knife, "We'll try again in a few days, maybe even Lea would do better than you," he laughed. . . Lea. . . Lea.


  "LEA!" What the-I was in a dark room, a little lamp resting on a small table; barely glowing; providing as much light as it could as it let out a slight buzzing noise while doing so; where am I? Sitting upright on the bed; the floor was stone, much like back at that facility. "You all right?"

  "Ahh!" A voice spoke to me from a darkened corner of the room; a large figure emerged from the void, wait; it was that beast, "What are you, where am. . ., what?" It came closer, looking me up and down.

  "Sorry didn't mean to frighten you. Glad you're alright, you're probably. . . You are confused, I know, so I'll explain, I am Fezlen, and you're at a base, a F.A.M. base to be exact, I was there scouting for them, helping them, for weak points and whatnot, when I saw you," What? This 'Fezlen' chuckled a bit before continuing.

  "When I saw you and you're sister Lea, it made me think of my own back home, I wasn't supposed to help as it might've blown my cover, but I couldn't help it ha. . . Ha. . . Erm anyway, we-they were there to free you all, if I go over everything we'll be sitting here forever, but the gist of it is I am not A.D.O, F.A.M. were there to free you all and get a target, remember that 'buyer' and how I tried to tell you to avoid attention?" I nod.

  "Well, it was actually a CLAW leader. . . A real despicable one that goes by the name 'Joy,' the A.D.O sells captives to those terrorists for extra cash on the side behind the Au's back, I am sure you've heard of them?" The pit in my stomach grows deeper; if what this beast was saying was true; then that means that Lea, Lea is in danger. I nod again, not really caring about this 'AU.'

  "That was F.A.M's target, but as you could imagine, Joy and the other terrorists got away and took Lea with them, that demon is supposed to be six feet under right now, I told you to avoid. . . Maybe if I had told you sooner. . ."

  Light suddenly floods the room as a door opens, the same leather man from before walks in, fancy hand cannon on his hip, Fezlen immediately gets on one knee as he walks by the beast.

  "Well, well, well, sleepin' beauty finally awake? You know you made my ride smell like hot shit boy? If it wasn't for this one here," he gestures towards Fezlen, "I would have personally left your ass in the goddamn middle of nowhere," he sniffles, "Now, I wouldn't have actually done so, cause I am nice like that you know?" he shrugs, hands on an equally fancy black leather belt.

  "But how bout' this, you can make it up to me by doing me, and the world a huge favor, how bout' that? That sounds like a good deal right?"

  He eyes me up and down, a look plastered on his face I've seen on other faces before.

"Doing something. For all Mankind?"

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