CH 13: A Grander Diplomacy PT2

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[...Two steps till heaven, one step till hell...]


The third coastal defense group was only miles away, with dozens of swarm missiles, conventional ballistic missiles, railgun fire; main cannon fire, autocannon fire, and torpedos were unleashed in a hailstorm of amazing and ferocious thunder as if the world itself stood still, the deafening roar of weaponry rocketed off with all their fury and might.

The UCAS-Deterrence was one of these ships, blazing across the ocean, blasting its main canons and missiles, getting close to the amalgamations; fighter jets from aircraft carriers; and nearby bases were scrambled, they roared in the sky over the armada and disaster of the once peaceful city turned warzone.

Dazzling tracers, leftover missile smoke, and destructive explosive reverberations bounced off the buildings in the city, devastating windows and uprooting concrete-- papers flew down on the streets as the shaking of the city intensified.

It had been several hours, giving the home guard enough time to fully mobilize advanced mechanized armor, battle droids, mechs, and tanks that raced throughout the city streets, battling the smaller ground creatures.

Tank shells and gunshots ranged out, tremendous explosions eradicated city streets, and purple-greenish goo-like blood flowed down drains from the slain creatures. As the storm of bullets would instantly turn a person to turn tail running, the two forces of amalgamations and man clashed, creating a no man's land in the streets.

The once bustling city was filled with machinery of warfare, seemingly thousands of slain civilians lay where they were murdered, blood splattered on buildings, and some of the shops contained mountains of bodies of people who tried to barricade themselves only for the creatures to gouge their way in.

Meanwhile, the third coastal defense group continued the great endeavor of contesting with the spawns of hell, only hundreds of meters away from the city shore.

"Cover Deterrence at all cost!" Several smaller frigate vessels raced to the destroyer's side, and missiles rocketed off from them, As more goliath amalgamations rose from the ocean, unlike the smaller ground ones; these were much larger and acute-shaped, the creatures broke off from the black masses, dived into the ocean and began racing towards the fleet, their bodies-- were covered in what looked like crusted rock; leaving exposed flesh in some of the more joint like parts of the body.

One of the beings shot a large spike-like projectile that flew out of a tail that looked much like that of a scorpion, The projectile was on a straight course for the Deterrence until one of the frigates swerved in its path and exploded in a fiery hellfire, leaving a massive hole in the center mass of the ship; almost cutting it in two as secondary explosions flung shrapnel everywhere. "Ambition is lost!"

The scorpion-like creature swam in the ocean with great speed-- ripples spread through the ocean as it encroached closer, until a massive fireball consumed it, splitting the ocean in two for a split second like an imitation of Moses, The fireball was large enough to kill several of the massive creatures in the vicinity, as a bomber screeched by above with a sonic boom.

"Deterrence close that breech now!"

"800 meters!"

One of the massive black goliaths opened spore-like holes on its back, as swarms of smaller bug-like creatures shot out of it, Their wings flapped with the weight of the engine, and the sicking reverberating noise of their wings only grew louder as seemingly hundreds were spawned, one of the bombers that was closing in was immediately swarmed, the black metallic paint was chipped away; then the metal, and in a mere instant its frame was exposed as it lost speed and plummeted into the ocean.

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