Chapter 20 - Oblivious to everything

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3rd Pov

Rue was stuck in his thoughts, he didn't like it but was thinking about the possibility... but Rue also knew that his mother wasn't really keen on loving Color, but it was just weird and off for him. He grew up loving books and novels and he also grew up with the thought that Color and Killer were married...even though he knew that Killer didn't like Color in that way...

Then when a stranger just shows up, his Mom was already flirting with him in the subtlest ways that he noticed, without a doubt. He felt like there were missing pages to what was happening at the moment.

"Woah, kid...You okay?" Color asks in concern. Rue looks up and sees Helium laying down on his lap and Cinchi on top of his head. "It's nothing Dad, it's just that...Mom is a bit suspicious..." He replies while patting Helium's head. Color hummed casually, thinking nothing of it. "Kid you read too many books." Color replied while chuckling. "I know Dad but...Mom looks at that man strangely." Rue says.

Color was a bit surprised, what man? He looks at Killer and he sees him serving a buff customer. Color looks at Rue confused and asks "Uh..that muscle man?". Rue shook his head and replies "Keep looking, he's skinless.", the two broke out into laughter and Color sheds a tear. "I'm proud of you kid." Color says and Rue says "That white purple guy, Dad. I think Mom is flirting with him..". Color looks at Nightmare's direction and his eyes widened.

His expression slowly morphed into an awkward expression and he tried to dismiss the topic. Rue found this to be strange but nonetheless, he stopped talking about it.

Color sighed, looking at Killer. He was really concerned. Rue was still keeping an eye and everything screamed "Cheater" for him.

Rue was confused on who's side was he on, it was really making him feel weird..

Time skip.

It was 5:00 PM, and Killer recieved his paycheck. He quickly went to Color and Rue who was waiting for him, well more like Color. Rue was fast asleep and Color carried him up. Killer chuckled, it was really cute and wholesome. Killer walked closer to Color and kissed Rue's forehead before saying "Let's go, my work's done.". Color smiles and the two leaves through the door. Nightmare tried his best to bottle his anger and took a deep breath.

He HAS to play this smoothly.

He HAS to earn it.

No killing, no nothing.

Then a blond waitress walks towards him, clearly trying to seduce him. But Nightmare wasn't falling for any of it. He stood up and when the waitress expected him to do 'something'... Nightmare left on the spot, not even muttering a single word. Of course, it humiliated her but she fucking deserve it (She was the one talking shit about Killer earlier).

Nightmare walked through the sidewalks, he was blowing some steam off. He was thinking about some things, planning a way to 'woo' Killer. Before he knew it, he ended up in the forest. He didn't even realize it until he bumped into an Aratiles tree.

He fell on his butt and he grumbles before looking up. He saw a large Aratiles tree, It's small fruits weren't ripe yet and when he looked around, the area was torn up and messy, like, REALLY messy. But when he looked at the Aratiles tree, it was the only tree inside the area he was in. He got up and looked at the tree.

He placed his hand on the bark and he smiled, It was healthy.

With Killer and Color:

The two were walking home, not even grabbing a ride. The two were content at the moment, Rue was sleeping soundly and Killer was happy that his work was over. "So, Kills... you never answered my question." Color says, striking up a conversation. "Hmm? What? What question?" Killer asks, he was confused, he didn't remember Color asking any question.

"So what happened? Why were you missing?" Color asks, with concern in his tone. Killer pauses, what was he gonna answer?

"So remember Queen booze right?" Killer asks, Color hums and Killer sighs. "I passed out and so did everyone and Nightmare picked us up from the bar and let me sleep at his place.." Killer confesses, partially lying with his answer. "Oh...but for almost 2 day? Buddy, what happened? I get what you said but I know there's somethin' else." Color points out and Killer pauses again.

"Well, I...left my phone and I decided to hang out with my old 'kids'...hehe.." Killer replies, getting nostalgia. Color was relieved to hear this, Killer was okay. He really loved seeing Killer so happy or contented.

"Mm...Dad...where'" Rue asks, still half-asleep. Killer chuckles and pats Rue's head and said "Keep sleeping Sweetie, The Color express still hasn't arrive home yet.". Color laughs a bit making Killer smile. Rue goes back to sleep and the two arrive at the house. Killer looks at the door and pauses, he was nervous..

He forgot to lock the door...

But nonetheless, he opened it without any hesitation. When they went in, nothing was out of the ordinary. Killer was relieved by this and he instantly fell on the couch.

"Uh~ ah~ that's the spot.." Killer moans out while positioning himself on the couch. Color blushes at this and Killer looks at Color with confusion.

"You still thinking about the new neighbour?" Killer asks and Color agrees without realizing what he said and Killer chuckles. Color places Rue on the couch and Killer sits up.

"My back hurts...Shit, I'm getting old..." Killer says and Color laughs before stripping his jacket off. "Hey Color, what did you guys do when I was missing huh? Don't tell me that Rue watched you and the Neighbour kissing." Killer says jokingly. Color played along, trying to hide his true feelings.

"Nah Kills, that's bad parenting."

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