Chapter 2 - Sunset View, welcome to the "new" new

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Color's Pov

I watched Killer with a calm expression. He was amazed but...something was kind of pulling the happy vibe down. He seemed happy but he also seemed sad, like he was missing something. I stepped forward and I continued walking towards him. I stopped when I was beside him, I took off my jacket and laid it on the sand.

Killer looked at me with confusion and I sat down on the sand, he sat down on my jacket, and I ask him "Is there something wrong? You seem blue." There was silence for a moment. Then a sigh came out from him, and it shattered the quiet. He stared down at sand and then up to the setting sun.

The sound of waves and wind blowing through the trees supported the beautiful environment. Then he spoke "Color, I don't think you want to hear it." I tilted my head in confusion, what? Wait a minute, I knew this one... He had a secret or a sad story he didn't want to share. I took a deep breath and said in a gentle voice "I'm all ears." He looked at me in surprise. "Trust me, you'll feel better if you share it." I said while looking at the sea.

"Are you sure?" He asks nervously, I was quiet. "What's the opposite of No?" I asked, "...Yes?" He slowly replied, then it was silence again. Then I heard him take a deep breath... " all started when I met Nightmare." I perked up when I heard him mention his name. Oh, so he had a big slice of Killer's problem, I thought. Then Killer continued.

"When we first met, I tried to kill him but failed miserably. Then he said he wanted to recruit me, so I joined because I had nowhere to go to...then I had my training with him, and I started to have a crush on him. first mission." I was confused, the way he said the last sentence already said what happened, something went wrong with it. I didn't ask any questions and let him continue on.

"I... saved Outer's life, it was one of my greatest mistakes." I hummed, now this was taking a wild turn...Outer? Why did Killer act as if he was an old murderer who tried to do something to him. Then he went silent...

"...So, umm... before my first mission, I had a pet bunny named Marrion...he unfortunately died due to unknown reasons." Now I was surprised, Killer completely skipped Outer's part of his story. I also didn't know he had a bunny. I hummed, indicating him to continue. I heard him sigh and he said "Fuck It, I guess..."

"I met Swad, and he kissed me then he started sending me letters. After a while, you already know the people who got added to the team...I met Hate...he...he...did something to me and I don't want to talk about it."

He paused; there it is. The problem, I took a deep breath and said "Okay, you don't have to continue if you don't want to. The way you said the last part gave me a hint about the elephant in the room." He looked at me and sighed.

"Let me guess, he did something really bad to you." I took a guess, he was quiet. "H-he's the reason why I'm here..." He muttered. Damn was curiosity a prick in a bush. "I know I'm asking too much but can I ask why?" I said in a nervous tone, hoping Killer wasn't upset with me...

We never realized that the sun had fully lowered into the sea, leaving the sky dark and littered with stars. The sand and the air were cold, but we ignored It like nothing happened. "I can't tell you that..." He said in a quiet tone. Then he slowly crawled over to me and pulled my shoulders towards him. I thought we were going to kiss for a second when he just whispered in my nonexistent ear.

"Sorry, I can only say 'The kid or leave him'." My eyes widened; I get it now... He sat back down, and I stare at him in shock. No wonder why...It was awkward for a moment. The environment was quiet despite the little noise the waves produced.

Before we could say something, someone interrupted, it was Dream. Killer looked at him with confusion and Dream dropped the coconut he was holding. "KILLER?! Oh, my stars, you need to come back to the castle!" He exclaimed breaking the silence of the night. Killer looked uncomfortable and I noticed It. I sighed and before I could speak up for Killer, he looked at me with shock then at Killer. "...Killer? What were you doing with Color here...alone?" He asks in fear.

It was silent, Dream was patiently waiting for Killer's answer and by the look of Killer's face he had none. I stood up and some of the sand fell of my boney butt. "Dream, whatever you are thinking now is the complete opposite. Killer just needs some space." I said cautiously, looking at Dream's expression alerted me of his...anger?

Before any action started, Killer got up and took my jacket from the ground and tugged at my shirt. "Let's just go..." He muttered and I sigh. Dream was about to say something when Killer and I disappeared. I teleported us from that AU back to mine and we shook off the sand that was still attached to us.

3rd Pov
"Wait, Killer! Hates'-
..." Dream stopped, the two had disappeared. Dream kicked the sand and took a deep breath "In A.T-Level 30 Jail...". Then he screamed, "FUCK!".

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