Chapter 37 - Work things out

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"You can tell me anything kid." Color softly spoke as he rubbed Rue's back. It was obvious that the child didn't want to think.

He wasn't ready for this.

Rue was silent as he looked down on the floor. His eyes ached for solace as Color tried to console him. It seemed that it wasn't enough. He didn't want to seem selfish but, he just couldn't help himself. Color was his dad...why did his mom choose someone else? Color stood right beside him the whole time and yet he chose some random guy at the cafe?

...and why?

He was supposed to be mature, not t-this...this weak crybaby that couldn't handle such a change! His mom was just getting married to someone else that's all...but why did it mess him up so much?

" don't think that your mom is cold, right?" He asked in an inenergetic voice, trying to search for the problem. The guilt inside him was really eating at him...

"Of course not, dad... It's just that..." Rue replied, his voice cracking a bit. He didn't know how to translate his thoughts into words but Color sat there, being patient for his answer. Rue went silent again, it felt like he forgot the whole dictionary trying to put the problem out word-for-word.

"Is it him getting married to Nightmare the problem, or is it the fact you know I had a crush on him?" Color then asked, Rue looked at him and maybe nodded a little. "Mostly the former but, the latter...maybe partially." He said truthfully before staring at the wall.

"Did you at least express your thoughts to your mom?" Color asked with concern and Rue sighed before rubbing his arms. "Sort of? But... It was perhaps, too informal." Rue replied and Color chuckled. The child looked up at him confusingly before Color stopped and confessed. "Kid, where did you get that awful fancy talk?" Color asked softly before Rue kind of smiled.

"Kid, you two need to talk about this. I know it's hard and these kind of topics get messy sometimes but without expressing your thoughts and listening, you two will never work things out. Take it from your old man." Color said softly as he stared at the floor.

Rue paused, looking at his father-figure who felt so torned inside. "You're not sad that mom is marrying someone else?" He asked and Color was caught off-guard. "What?" He muttered and Rue twiddled with his fingers. "Are you not sad?" He asked again and Color sighed.

"I am but... He's back to his rightful person." Color replied before chuckling. Rue didn't know how to feel about that, Color seemed genuinely happy for Killer but there was still something bothering him.

Color placed his hand on Rue's head before looking him straight in the eye. "Don't worry too much, kiddo. You're still young unlike me who gets arthritis every now and then." He joked and the two laughed.

Rue then hugged Color before saying a simple thanks before walking out of the room to try and confront this problem one more time.

He walked through the house, his destination being the kitchen. He stopped when he was at the doorway before taking a deep breath to relax himself a bit. He then entered and saw his mom drinking water.

"Mom?" He asked and Killer turned his head to face his son. "I'm sorry for walking out... I want to talk about it again..." Rue apologized before looking down, almost expecting a scolding. His mother walked up to him and knelt before hugging him, contradicting every guess in Rue's thoughts. Killer had no intention of that whatsoever, even if he did... He wouldn't even think of raising his voice knowing that his son was like this because he made him think like this.

"Mom? You're not mad?" Rue asked out of surprise and Killer smiled. "Of course not, its not like hearing your mom is gonna marry a grape is normal." He joked and Rue took a moment to process what that meant before laughing along.

They then proceeded to the dining table to talk and sat across from each other to have a go at this conversation again. It was quite awkward when they had to start over but over time, Rue began to accept.

But still there was something bugging him...

"Mom...?" He asked again and Killer hummed before replying "What is it sweetie?". "When you get married to Mr. Nightmare... Can I still call Color "Dad"? Will we still stay in this house?" He brought up and Killer thought about it. "Of course, you can still call Color "Dad" but... I'm afraid that we're moving to his home." Killer replied and Rue was saddened by it.

"So we're gonna leave Dad behind?" He asked and Killer chuckled. "But you can still visit him of course." He said, booping Rue's nose. Rue cheered up at that before a realization struck him. "Does that mean I get to stay in Mr. Nightmare's library all day?" He asked and Killer nodded, "But don't get your hopes too high. Your bedtime is still at eight." He added and Rue pouted at that.

"Sweetie, do you want to know about your father, your biological father?" Killer then asked and Rue nodded excitedly. He always wondered what kind of man he was.

"So how do I begin?" He asked his son and Rue's eyes lit up. "Was he a good man?" He asked and Killer giggled, "The Anti-hero of my dreams.". Rue noticed how Killer reacted and took in his happy aura into account.

He must have been a great man...

Rue thought for a while and then suggested "Maybe start by describing him mom.". Killer then hummed before opening his mouth, "Well he's handsome, caring, loving, and quite vigorous and smart.". Rue awed at that, having theories in his little mind.

"What else?" He asked, seeking more and Killer chuckled before blushing some more.

"He's an octopus."

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