Chapter 8: Dark pulse.

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"Come on." Ban said and puked up some blood. "Now what's the big idea, King?" "Well, isn't it obvious?" King asked. "I'm here to save you." "Isn't that special?" Ban asked with his smug face. "Thanks a lot, pal." "Oh, think nothing of it." King said. "Anything for the Captain, Y/n and Diane." "I see..." Ban said. "But not for me, huh?" "No, not really." King said. "But, my sister cares about you a lot."

An explosion was made from the crystal Guila was thrown into. She stood there with her sword held high, it made Ban give out a sarcastic "Wow." "It's true your betrayal is not completely unexpected." Guila said. "Yet, King the Grizzly Sin, I am rather disappointed." King just kinda shrugged. "Well, that's unexpected thing to say to me." He said. "I didn't ever swear I'd be your life long partner in whatever your plans were. The realm wanted to defeat the Seven Deadly Sins, and I wanted to see Ban destroyed. We had mutual interest for a while. Buts that's no longer the case." "Blah-blah. I'm really tired of you talking behind my back." Ban said.

"Poor King. An entirely predictable excuse." Guila said, black smoke started to come from her sword. She then created multiple balls of flame that would surely explode once they hit King. "Shot bomb!" Guila said and fired them at King and Ban. King just made a hum and moved his spear out of Ban's chest and instead destroyed all the bombs. "How magnificent." Guila said. "The Spirit Spear Chastiefol, forged from the Holy Tree located in the Fairy realm. More durable than steel... possessing the awesome powers of the Holy Tree itself. Your magical ability can summon all of those properties. Disaster..." "I am not sure if we are supposed to be flattered that she knows so much, or scared." Y/n mumbled to Meliodas. "I would go with the creeped out route." He mumbled back.

"...This should make things a bit more interesting." Guila said and pointed her sword at King. "Please feel free to attack me five-on-one." "Now she is just gloating, girl is lucky I have respect for her." Y/n mumbled. "No." King said and floated forwards her. "One-on-one will do." "Seriously?" She said, her face tilted in disappointment. Meliodas, Ban and Y/n shrugged it of and sat down by Diane's head. "All right, King, go for it!" Meliodas cheered. "You can do it!" Y/n cheered with a smile and two thumbs up. "You know I'll kick your ass if you lose!" Ban said.

"As you wish. So, whenever you—" Guila got cut of as King had already atacked, the spear just missing her head but cutting her cheek. "Now, that's no good. Try to dodge a little." King said. The spear went back at Guila and hit the ground right beside her which made her fly to the side by the force and speed of the spear. King continually forced the spear towards Guila as the girl did her best to push it away with her sword. King barley needed to put effort into it, only moving his hand. Meanwhile Guila had to run around all over the place and avoid the terrain falling around her.

Guila managed to jump on a high ledge and force the spear away with an explosion, making the spear land on the ground. "Brilliant Detonation!" Guila said and started to form a gigantic explosion. Y/n, Ban, Meliodas and Diane got up from the ground in a hurry as to get away from the impact that would come soon. "Don't like that." Ban said. But King didn't move. He keep my the spear spinning besides him and waited for the right moment.

"Chastiefol, fifth configuration!" King said and the spear changed into a bunch of daggers. "Increase!" He snapped his fingers and the daggers went against the giant balls of expressions. Restring every last one in a fiery show. All the daggers gathered above Guila head and rained down on her. The giant crystal was totally destroyed and Guila buried in it.

"Hey!" Hawk said, who came running from the distance with Elizabeth on his back. "You were razed in a ruckus!" "Nobody got hurt, did they?" Elizabeth asked. "All fine and dandy, nothing to worry about." Y/n said and gave her a smile. "Some bruises here and there but all of that will be healed up once we get home." "I'm so glad!" Elizabeth said and jumped of Hawk. "Where did you run of too earlier Y/n? We got so worried." "Where I went?" Y/n asked. She was silent for a while, then she smiled. "I went to see someone special..."

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