Chapter 16: The Looming Threat.

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Vivian was locked in the air by the magic of Merlin. Considering she was shaking, it looked painful. "Vivian, tell me where Princess Elizabeth is." Merlin said. "Still scary." Y/n mumbled, Meliodas apparently heard and gave out a chuckle. "She's in the king's room!" Vivian said. "There you go." Merlin said and let go of the magic that bound Vivian.

Vivian got up and ran away. "Hey, she's running off!" Arthur said. "Shouldn't we-" "Forget her." Y/n said. "Right now, we need to get Elizabeth out of here before it's too late." "Then it's time to get a move on." Merlin said and snapped her fingers.

Suddenly they were outside the King's doors. "Where are we?" Meliodas asked. "We're in front of my father's room." Margret said. "I tried teleporting us inside but got deflected." Merlin said. Y/n herself tried to teleport inside but was ineffective. "Yup, must be something that cancels magic." Y/n said. "Surely it's the handiwork of my disgraceful ax-disciple." Merlin said.

"All right, take a few steps back guys." Meliodas said who took out his sword and stretched his arm. "Wait, hang on a second, Captain." Merlin said. "Even with your powers, you couldn't breach this barrier. It's the Perfect Cube. A spell from the Demon world that can deflect any kind of power. Regardless of its magnitude." Gilthunder tried to open the door but it didn't work.

Then suddenly Merlin just opened the door. "How did you do that?" Y/n said. "You just had a speech about how it deflects any kind of magic." "Using Absolute Cancel." Merlin said. "But isn't that a form of magic?" Y/n questioned. Merlin seemed to ignore her. Sometimes it felt like Merlin could just deflect any type of demon magic, it was weird.

Y/n looked at Elizabeth and the king who laid sick in bed. "Sup." She said and did a hand wave. Elizabeth ran up to her and hugged her. "We've only been apart less than a few hours." Elizabeth said. "But I've kissed you so much, I could hardly stand it." Y/n giggled and hugged back. "A little clingy." Y/n said. "But I have missed you too."

"You sure got old, Bartra!" Meliodas said and Y/n elbowed him. "And you both haven't changed a single bit, have you?" Bartra asked. "Guess not." Y/n said and laughed a little.

Suddenly there was a sound from behind. They looked and saw Dreyfus. "Dreyfus!" Gilthunder said and hugged Margret protectively. "Hey, what's up?" Meliodas said. "It's been a while since I've seen you too, Dreyfus." Y/n was on her guard, she didn't trust that man in the slightest. Something was just so wrong. "What the hell is going on here?" Dreyfus asked. "Hendricksons been killed in battle." Gilthunder said, making Dreyfus gasp. "He died without ever repenting for the crime he committed." "His crime..." Dreyfus said.

"I saw it happen." Margret said. "The dawn of the anniversary festival, ten years ago. You and Hendrickson conspired together and murdered Zaratras. Such an unspeakable sight. And then, consumed with overwhelming fear, I told Gil about it. Little did I know, Vivian was eavesdropping the whole time. She placed each of us under guard, and we were forced to do her bidding." "Is that so?" Merlin asked who seemed intrigued. "Thought, seeing as Vivian was head over heels for Gilthunder, I suppose it adds up." "It's disgusting however." Y/n said by the thought of a grown woman being in love with a ten year old boy.

"But thanks to Meliodas, the curse has finally been lifted." Gilthunder said. Dreyfus was sweating at this point and seemed nervous. He fell to his knees on the floor and put his sword down. "I've lost everything." Dreyfus said. "Just as they told you, I conspired with Hendrickson and murdered Grand Master Zaratras. At first, I only envied my brother. But somewhere along the way, it turned into hatred. I am so sorry."

"That has nothing to do with what's going on around here right now." Y/n said. "Why does Hendrickson want to bring back the demons?" "It was to start a Holy War." Dreyfus said. "A what?" Arthur asked. "The Holy War happened a long time ago." Y/n said. "A war between the demons and the rest of the races. Not much is known about it, it happened 3000 years ago. There are very few left that have lived to tell the tale. I am amongst one of the ones who survived. Some don't agree on where it started. That it always was, that it happened when the Angels were eradicated, that it happened when humans got involved, or after the Supreme Deity and Demon King was tricked by a young mage. But the real start was 3 young people, a man and two women just wanted to live happily with each other. One was a demon and the entire demon race made an uproar. It started over such a stupid thing like that, and it killed millions of people. The Goddesses and Demons are practically gone, the Giant and fairy race are almost gone and the dominant race is now humans. But some idiots like Dreyfus and Hendrickson are idiots and bored. They believe the Holy war was something great and want to bring back demons to bring back this war that never truly ended. They are overestimating themselves and I don't think they realize just how stupid they are."

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