Chapter 13: A Reader of Books and Unholy Knight

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(Clumping two episodes together due to the fact that there is little to write about in "A Reader of Books." It will be a common thing by the end of this season. But get ready for a long boi today.)

Y/n, Meliodas and Elizabeth stood outside on Hawk's mama as they watched where they would stop next. "Hey captain, is around here okay?" Diane asked. "Yeah! It's a little far from town, but we ought to be alright." Meliodas said. "If we are out of meat it probably for the best, means a lot of people won't come over here for the time being." Y/n said. "We can just do some promotion once we are ready." "Thanks for everything, Hawk's Mom!" Elizabeth said and bent down to look at her. "Why don't you rest a bit Diane. The walk must have been quite tiresome." Y/n said. "Sure! I'll just grab a little shut-eye till the tavern opens then!" Diane said and laid down on the ground with Gideon beside her. "Good night, you guys."


"All right everyone!" Meliodas said. They were now inside. "We are lacking in some stuff so we'll have to plan out for that. Us guys and Y/n will handle the food stocks. Now, Elizabeth, go down to the village and spread the word. And could you also buy some herbs while you're out there?" "Is that a good idea?" Y/n asked. "What if there are Holy Knights?" "No, I'm fine." Elizabeth said with enthusiasm, she would gladly help. "At least take Hawk with you." Y/n said.

"Maybe you should have a disguise Elizabeth." Hawk suggested. "That is a great idea!" Meliodas said. Then he, for some reason, changed Y/n's clothes instead on a whim. "Village girl style." Meliodas said and admired Y/n's body. "What are you doing?" Y/n asked but was ignored.

He changed Y/n's clothes again and even got an instrument out of nowhere "Minstrel style!" He said. "Where are these clothes coming from? And how do they magically appear on me?" Y/n asked.

Meliodas once again changed up the clothes and now Y/n even had a sword and a different instrument. This set of clothes were very revealing. "Traveling Dancer Style!" "Okay, stop!" Y/n said and hit him on the head. "That would make her stand out even more!" Hawk said. "Sorry but I think I oughta be alright just wearing a shawl." Elizabeth said. "I know, I just wanted to dress T/n in pretty outfits." Meliodas admitted down on the floor. "Pervert." Y/n said. King walked inside the tavern, when he saw Y/n he got a nosebleed and fainted on the floor. Y/n sighed and walked upstairs to change clothes.


"I'm going now!" Elizabeth said. They where outside and waving Elizabeth off. They would go and hunt. "Okay! Be careful!" Y/n said and waved her off.

Ban yawned, he had just woken up. His eyes were closed and back crooked. "Do I have to?" He asked. "Ban! King! Y/n! whoever catches the best grub is the winner." Meliodas said. "Winner of what?" Ban asked, not convinced. "A kiss." Y/n said. "Huh?" Ban said, eyes open and back straight. He seemed more enthusiastic now. "I got this." He cracks his knuckles and neck.

"Huh? Captain, you're not using a weapon?" King asked. He was still tired and hugged his pillow. It seemed he hadn't heard the price. "You're gonna hunt barehanded?" "Well? I'll try to make it work somehow!" Meliodas said with enthusiasm, he also wanted to win just as badly as Ban wanted. "Hah! See you, losers!" Ban said and ran away. "You're in the same boat!" Meliodas said and ran after. Y/n sighed and stayed by King. She then looked up in the sky and smirked. She shot an arrow and a distant cry could be heard. "They are always in such a hurry. I have already caught my pray."


"Ban, what do you think of this bad boy?" Meliodas asked. They had all met up in a part of the forest to show off their goods. Meliodas had managed to catch a sword wolf. "Sword wolves are mostly red meat. So they're perfect for smoking! And you can get good money for their hides."

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