Chapter 10: Pent-up feelings.

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(Lucky getting so many chapters at the same time, huh?)

"Y/-... I mean Flower! Go get him!" Diane cheered. "Hey, Ban. If you screw up and lose this match I'm gonna tell Elaine!" King said. Y/n glanced at Meliodas who had a confident look, he already knew the outcome.

"Time for the match to get underway!" Lovehelm said. "Sure would be nice to move around." Ban said and stretched his arm. "I would say there is quite enough air room for us. Don't you think?" Y/n said and stretched her back. "You can go ahead ahead and attack, ladies first." Ban laughed a little. "Are you insinuating something, princess?" Ban asked. "You know full well I am." Y/n said.

Ban moved forward to get in a punch. Y/n teleported over him and threw him down to the ground. Ban kicked her in the ribs, making Y/n fly back and hit her head on the field. "Oh, the rush!" Ban said as both got up. "Haven't felt this much excitement in a while." "Have to agree, the feeling is mutual." Y/n said and used Ban's banter to get in a kick. She was about to go in for a second one but Ban caught her leg and tried to throw her away. She used protection to jump off of in the air and fly back towards ban like a canon ball. She elbowed bad in the stomach and sending him into the ground, cracking the entire stage. Blood splattered everywhere as dust clouds filled the arena, and horrified screams came from the crowd. Everyone expected a dead Ban, but when the dust settled, Ban still stood standing without a scratch.

"You have grown a lot." Ban said sand took a grip on Y/n's arm when she tried to punch him and threw her back a little." "Thanks." Y/n said. She teleported behind him and kicked him, making him fly towards. "But you seem to be rusty after being in prison for so long." Ban managed to stop the impact by prying a lot of weight into the ground and threw up Y/n. She flew in the air for a bit before falling down and hitting Ban.

He was a little dizzy from the impact but still managed to catch her by the waist and threw her to the ground. Y/n touched the ground and used her fear to get a grip around Ban's neck and threw him into the ground instead. Ban did his best to get up as he threw Y/n in the air again and repeatedly punched her. "How is this for rusty?" Ban said but Y/n smirked. "Very rusty." She said. She used protection around her, to stop falling, and teleported beside Ban to hit him in the ground. Now there was a Ban shaped hole on the stage as Y/n landed gracefully beside it. "Come on, get up" she taunted. "This won't be much fun otherwise."

"Is that Baan guy dead?" Someone in the crowd said. "Someone is getting a little cocky." Ban said, he clearly wasn't dead, to the shock of the people. "He's not even hurt!" Some exclaimed as Ban sat up. "Nor is the girl, what is this madness." Someone else said. Y/n gave Ban a hand so he could get up. After that it became an all out fist fight with Y/n using magic to doge. "How unfair." Ban said. "Playing dirty with magic." "Like you aren't. I know what you are building up, Ban." Y/n said. Ban didn't comment but just smirked.

Y/n managed to punch Ban in the gut, making him throw up blood. She got in a kick and he flew high up. But Y/n started to laugh as her body started to shake and she fell to the ground, meanwhile Ban hit the ground and made an other Ban shaped hole.

"Oh, no! Looks like both fighters are down!" Lovehelm said. Ban rose up however and Y/n was was still on the ground. "Seems like I won angel." Ban said. "Don't be so sure." Y/n said and struggled to get up, but still had a cocky smirk. She didn't move, like she was waiting for him to hit her. "What's going on!" Lovehelm said. "All of Baans injuries are completely gone now!"

Ban ran towards Y/n and Y/n tried to hit him. But he had already gotten behind her and hit her in the back. Making her fly towards the center of the stage. "I'm floating like a butterfly now." Ban said in happiness and made air punches. "You really have a lot of strength." While Ban was distracted Y/n kicked him in the ribs making him spin sideways. "Ouch! You broke a rib." Ban said and touched his ribs. "Or not." He said as he showed of how quickly is injury healed.

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