How yall met:

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Finney: You we're partners with him in class

"Pick a partner" your teacher said. Everybody immediately got up and went with their friends, but you were alone. You soon looked around to find another boy who was by himself. He looked so adorable! You've never seen him before, so you thought this would be a good opportunity to get to know him. You did think he was cute after all. You walked up to him. When he noticed you coming up to him you could notice the small blush appear on his face. "Do you need a partner?" You asked. The boy stuttered. "Oh, um"
The blush on his face became more noticeable. "No- I mean yea..." He said clearly embarrassed. You smiled at sat next to him. "I don't think I've seen you around before" you said. "Same" He responded. He avoided eye contact for a minute as he was nervous. He was so shy. It's adorable! You blushed looking at him. "I'm y/n by the way" you said breaking the silence. He looked at you and smiled. "I'm Finney Blake, nice to meet you" He said more confidently. You smiled. "You seem nice Finney, we should hang out sometime" Finney smiled at you, his eyes lighting up. "I'd like that y/n"

Robin: You met him at the drive-in

You were with your friends at the drive-in, currently watching a new movie called "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" You were so excited to see it. You love horror movies! As you and your friends were mainly talking and laughing instead of watching the movie, you notice a boy in a car parked next you guys. You were mesmerized by his looks. God, everything about him was perfect. You've never seen the boy before so you were determined to know more about him. Your friends notice you staring at him. "Oooo y/n's got a crush!" One of them said. They all started laughing. "What?!" You asked, looking back at them disgusted. "Y/n you've been staring at Robin for the past ten minutes" Your friend said. "His names Robin?" You asked. "Yep! Robin Arellano, one of the toughest kids in school" Your friend responded. The blush on your face was ridiculous. You looked back at him and smiled. "Don't get your hopes up y/n, even I tried to get with him and he wouldn't take me" Your friend laughed. "Probably because you we're literally stalking him and following him home" Your other friend said. You looked at them eyes widened. "Hey, a girl has to start somewhere right?" Your friend said. "What the fuck?" You laughed. As your friends started teasing you once more, you eventually got out of the car to get more snacks. "I'll be back" you said. Your friends winked at you as you walked past Robins car. When you approached the snack area you asked the worker, "can I have more popcorn please?" The worker nodded his head and went to get it. When he came back and gave you your food, you heard a voice behind you. "Do you guys have any beer?"
You turned around, and there he was. Robin Arellano. "Fuck" you thought to yourself as the blush came on your face again. Robin smirked at you. You stared at him. He laughed. "You know it's rude to stare right?" He said. "Shit, im sorry!" You said as you snapped out of it. "It's cool" You started to walk away as Robin got his beer. You guys started talking and getting to know each other. He soon allowed you to watch the rest of the movie with him in his car, your friends watched you in shook. "You know y/n, your pretty cute" He said. You chuckled. "Thank you?" He smiled at you. "Hey, do you wanna hang out sometime?" He said making eye contact with you. Your eyes sparkled. "That'd be nice Robin"

Bruce: You we're friends with his sister

"Are you kidding me? My brother is not even that good-" Amy said as you, her, and another friend were at a baseball game. "What are you talking about? Look at him!" A boy from school said. "I agree with Amy, Bruce is overrated" Your friend said. "No!" The boy responded. It soon became an argument with your friends and a kid over Bruce Yamada, a local baseball player. A very popular individual in school. An argument on weather Bruce was the best, or worse baseball player. I just laughed at them. Knowing that the argument was stupid in general, and that Amy is actually really supportive of her brother. She's just embarrassed to show it. But also, because I myself actually find Bruce Yamada attractive. In fact I have for a while. I haven't officially met the guy, but I see him around almost all the time. And during that time, I have developed a crush on him. I try to deny it everyday, knowing that he won't actually like me back. I mean think about it, an popular boy, and a quiet girl. Please. But it's not just school, he has a perfect family. I don't. It just doesn't make sense. Although, I did laugh harder at the thought of us dating. "Y/n you good?" Your friend asked. "Yeah, hey when is this game over?" I asked. "Y/n it's literally over now" Amy said looking at you weird. I turned around to see the baseball players start to leave the field, and run up to their friends or family. "Wait who won?!" I asked. "Bruce's team" Amy responded. "That's great!" I said smiling. A couple seconds have passed and I'm ready to leave, until I see Amy jumping up and down waving her hands. "Bruce! Over here!" She screamed. I turned around to see Bruce walking over. I immediately became nervous and tried to look away. Bruce came over and hugged his sister. "You were great!" She told him. Bruce laughed. "Thanks Amy" He started talking to Amy and my other friend. Both of them congratulating him for his win. Feeling uncomfortable as he wasn't even noticing me, I started to leave. "Y/n!" Amy shouted. "Come meet my brother!" She said. I cringed, but sucked it up and walked over to him. Thinking I successfully got rid of the blush that was appearing on my face. As I approached Bruce, I noticed a smile form across his face. "Hey, um congratulations on winning" I said embarrassed, as he chucked noticing the blush on my face. "Thanks Y/n" He responded. "I don't think I've seen you around before" He said. "Well now you have" I said, not daring to try and talk about my anxiety I have at school. Bruce smiled at me once more, and nodded his head, symbolizing that he was leaving. "I'll see you later Amy" He said. "Nice meeting you Y/n" He said as he kept eye contact with me until he left. I blushed. I started to walk home, chuckling on the way.

(this was shitty ik 💀)

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