How They React When Your Avoding Them:

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-Donna kept rambling about her and Finney at school. You were annoyed and avoided him all day. He finally came over to your house to see what's wrong

-"Space girl, why are you ignoring me?"

-His face saddened when you didn't look at him

-"I'm so sorry if I did this."

-You ended up apologizing, and you both cuddled


-He got into a fight with Moose, after you've repeatedly told him to stop fighting. You avoided him completely at school. He came to your house afterwards

-"Mi amour, why aren't we speaking to each other?"

-He cupped your cheeks in his hands to make you look at him

-"I'm sorry I got into a fight. I promise I'll stop for you"

-He ended up spending the night


-He kept teasing you in front of his friends, knowing you hated it. You ended up avoiding him for the rest of the day. He climbed through your window that night

"Alright y/n sorry I teased you. But please stop ignoring me"

-You both ended up watching a movie

-Lots of hugs


-Girls kept flirting with him at school, and he didn't even do anything about it. It pissed you off, therefore you avoided him. He climbed through your window in the middle of the night.

-"Doll, why are you avoiding me? I didn't even do anything to you!"

-He soon realized what he did and apologized

-Spent all night with you


-He got really angry when a guy flirted with you, and started avoiding you. You avoided him back in return. When you weren't talking to him, he came over to your house.

-"Pretty girl, I'm sorry I avoided you. I was just angry. But please don't avoid me, I love you"

-He showered you with affection

-You guys cuddled


-He embarrassed you in front of your friends and they all teased you. You ended up avoiding him. He came over to your house.

"Y/n, what did I do to deserve this? I'm sorry if I did anything"

-You felt really bad and ended up apologizing

-Had a sleepover with you

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