How Yall Met Part 2

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Vance: You met him at the Grab N Go

You had a really shitty day at school today, you failed your test and got called out in front of the whole class. Not to mention the daily bullying you face all the time. As it normally doesn't bother you, this time it did. You didn't wanna go home, as you would get in deep trouble by your parents, so you decided to go to the grab n go to pass time. When you arrived, you saw a tall, long haired guy by the pinball machine. Pinball Vance Hopper. "Oh shit" you thought to yourself. You've seen Vance around in school a lot. Troubled kid. Always getting in trouble in class, got held back twice, not to mention he's very violent. Gets into fights almost every day, if not every week. You saw kids surrounding him by the pinball machine. Talking about how he was gonna beat his high score. "Vance your gonna beat your high score!" They kept shouting. "I said I would, dumbshits" You decided to stop staring and walked over to grab some soda and a candy bar. "Hey y/n" A boy said. You recognized the voice. It was your bully, Jordan. "For fucks sakes!" You said to yourself. You grabbed your things and started to walk away. "Leave me alone Jordan" You said. You suddenly felt a hand grab you, and pull you back. Jordan grabbed your collar. "Don't ignore me, you bitch!" You tried to free yourself from his grip, but he was too strong. He soon pushed you, and you bumped into Vance's pinball machine. The only thing you were trying to avoid. As you hit the ground, you heard sounds of kids complaining and sighing. As you got up and tried to walk, you felt another pair of hands grab your collar. "MOTHERFUCKER! I WAS GONNA BEAT MY HIGH SCORE!" It was Vance Hopper. His grip on you tightened, and you weren't even touching the ground anymore. Vance was about to beat you up. However, when he saw the fear in your eyes his face soften, and he let go of you. You quickly ran out of the store. "Hey wait up!" Someone shouted. You wiped the tears from your eyes as you saw Vance. Running up to you. "What the hell dude! I was about to beat my high score! You made me loose" He said. You stuttered, struggling to get your words out as you were scared. "Sorry" You managed to slip out. "Wait why are you crying? I didn't even do anything to you" He said, starting to walk with you. "I just had a bad day okay?" You said. "Damn, what happened?" He asked. "Why the hell is Vance Hopper trying to talk to me? Didn't he just try to beat me up seconds ago? What the fuck" You kept thinking to yourself. "School was just stressful and this kid wouldn't leave me alone, he's the one who pushed me into your pinball machine" You said. You saw Vance look at you, his eyes staring into yours, and empathy shown on his face. As if he cared about you. "What's your name?" He asked. "Y/n" you said. Staring at the ground, you heard him say "sorry I tried to fight you y/n" he said. You looked at him and laughed. Him doing the same. "It's okay I guess" You smiled at him. "Mind if I walk you home?" He asked. Your eyes sparkled. "Sure"

Billy: You met him at school

Class has just ended and everyone started walking to their next class. However, you had a test in your next class that you weren't prepared for. That test impacted half of your grade. You soon went to the bathroom to try and calm yourself down. You felt the anxiety start to come. You were gonna get in so much trouble. Not just from the school, but from your parents. Always expecting you to be perfect, but you always disappointing them in return. And your dad. Oh fuck. He's gonna kill you. "Your gonna fail this test" You said to yourself. The tears started rolling down, and the sobs started spilling out. School was so draining for you. You hated it. You hated your dumbass teachers, you hated the students, you hated everything about it. As you stopped crying and wiped your tears, you soon heard the bell ring. Your still in the bathroom, and your class is on the other side of the school. "Oh shit!" You said. You quickly ran out of the bathroom and stared running to your class. As you were running, you saw a boy who was also late to his class. You both bumped into each other and dropped your stuff. "Dammit" He said. You looked at him. "I'm so sorry!" You said, picking your stuff up, him doing the same. "You don't have to apologize, it's okay" He said. He looked at you and smiled. As he was looking at you, you thought he was really cute. You've never seen him around before. "Here let me help you up" He offered. "That's really kind of you" you said as you grabbed his hand. He notices the tear stains on your face and asks "are you okay?" You look back down at the ground nervously. "Oh, yea I'm fine, I'm just late to class" You said. "Me too, I have a test which makes it worse" He responded. You looked back up at him and smiled, "wait you have math too?" His smile grew wider as he nodded his head. "Yeah!" Your heart started beating faster as a slight amount of blush appeared on your face. "I'm Billy Showalter" He said. "Y/n L/n" You said shaking his hand. "Pretty name Y/n" You blushed. You both finally arrived to class, non surprisingly getting lectured by the teacher. He soon passed you a note from his desk saying "nice meeting you y/n" with a heart.

Griffin: You guys are neighbors

You just got in a pretty bad argument with your brother. All because you told him green goblin was better than doc ock while you both were watching Spider-Man. However, your brother being older and more dramatic, turned the argument into something else. The argument escalated, and turned into where your brother was blaming you for your mothers death. You soon ran out of your house, cussing him out, and got on your bike. As you started riding your bike, you noticed your neighbor Griffin Stagg. He was outside of his house playing with his friend. You've always liked Griffin, you thought he was adorable. Your brother on the other hand, thinks otherwise. He bully's the poor kid. Fucking asshole. You can't wait to move out. Your brother and step mom just make everything worse for you. And your dad is rarely ever home, always working. You have nobody. As you were riding your bike, you couldn't help but laugh at Griffin, the way he was so playful and excited when hanging with his friends. He's so adorable. Griffin sensed you looking at him, and waved at you. You waved back smiling. "Y/N" your stepmother yelled. Getting you, and griffin's attention. "GET YOUR ASS IN THE HOUSE NOW!" Griffin looked at you. You started crying as you were overwhelmed and embarrassed. You started riding your bike faster and soon stopped, and sat by a tree. You started sobbing. You were so alone. You suddenly heard a sound of a bike dropping, along with footsteps. You looked up to see Griffin, standing in front of you. looking concerned and sad. "Oh y/n" he said. He sat down next to you. "Are you okay?" You wiped your tears and looked at him. "I'm fine" You said. Griffin soon pulled you into a tight embrace. You were kinda shocked and uncomfortable as you've never officially met him. But cherished this moment, as you finally had someone with you. "I'm sorry" He said. You sobbed harder. "Hey" He said. You looked at him. "If you want, you can stay at my place tonight, my mommy wouldn't mind. We can play games if you want!" He said. You laughed, remembering that he's really childish. You nodded your head. "I'd like that"

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