When You Come Out To Them While They Like You (male reader)

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-Started blushing like a maniac

-"Wait y/n, your gay?"

-Immediately started smiling

-"Well y/n...I have something to confess as well"

-Told you his feelings for you

-You guys both started dating


-Smirked at you

-"What'd you say Y/n?"

-Kept smiling at you

-"Ha! I'm kidding. I'm gay too"

-Confessed his feelings for you

-The cutest couple ever!


-His face turned red

-"Wait Y/n, really?"

-He smiled

-"Can I tell you something?"

-Told you how he feels about you

-Hugged you, and you guys started dating


-Smirked at you

-"Hold on, say that again"

-Wouldn't stop staring at you

-"Well Y/n, I guess that makes us even"

-Told you how obsessed he was with you

-Y'all had a make out session, then started dating


-Got so nervous

-"Your gay?"

-He hugged you

-"That's great Y/n! So am I! In fact, I have something I wanna tell you"

-Told you his feelings for you

-You guys lasted forever


-Literally started choking on air

-"Your gay too?!"

-He was blushing like an idiot

-"Well that's nice Y/n. So am I"

-Confessed to you

-Started dating afterwards

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