When Your Sick In School:

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-Was so worried about you

-"Space girl, why would you come to school if your sick?"

-Took you home

-Gave you medicine and overall took care of you

-"Hope you feel better"


-Noticed you looking pale, and falling asleep in class

-"Damn it mami! Why would you come to school today?"

-Immediately took you home

-Did everything for you

-"Are you okay?"


-Was very concerned

-"Oh Y/n...are you sick?"

-He excused you guys from class and took you home

-Forced you to take medicine, then showered you with affection

-"Sorry your sick darling"


-Didn't even notice till your last class

-"You look like shit Y/n. Are you feeling okay?"

-Took you home when you told him you were sick

-Got you snacks and cuddled with you

-"Feel better"


-He was scared

-"Pretty girl, let me take you home okay?"

-Brought you to his house

-Took care of you

-"I'm so sorry your sick. Feel better"


-Noticed you looking odd in class

-"You feeling alright Y/n?"

-Didn't wanna miss school, so you left before him

-He came to your house afterwards and cuddled you

-"You'll get better in no time"

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