When You Have A Nightmare:

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-Woke up to the sound of you hyperventilating

-Got so scared

-"Space girl, what happened?!"

-Immediately hugged you

-almost started crying because he hates seeing you distressed

-"I got you alright?"


-Woke up to the sound of you sobbing

-Was so worried

-"Mi amour, what's the matter?!"

-Pulled you into him

-Tried calming you down

-"It's not real"


-Woke up to you shaking and crying

-Felt anxious


-Hugged you and started playing with your hair

-Comforted you

-"It was just a stupid dream"


-Woke up to the sound of you hyperventilating

-Got so concerned

-"Y/n what happened?! Are you okay?!"

-Hugged you

-Tried calling you down

-"Im right here. I'll always protect you"


-Woke up to the sound of you crying

-Was so nervous

-"Pretty girl, tell me what's wrong!"

-Cuddled you

-Calmed you down

-"I love you okay? It was just a bad dream"


-Woke up to the sound of you sobbing

-Got really awkward

-"Woah Y/n! What's the matter?!"

-Hugged you

-Played with your hair

-"It's okay. I get them too"

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