Vance Runs Into Y/n's Ex (vance x reader)

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It was Saturday, Vance decided to take you on a date to the Grab N Go to get some ice cream. You guys recently got into an argument on how Vance never pays attention to you, and only focuses on his pinball machine. So Vance thought this would be a good idea to make it up to you. You guys were having a great time! You guys were laughing and messing around, enjoying each other's presence. Completely forgetting about the argument. As you guys left, Vance stole a pack of cigarettes from the shelf. You looked at him eyes widened. "Come on lets go" He said as he grabbed your hand and walked out the door. You laughed.
You guys were suddenly walking on the sidewalk, Vance holding your hand as he was by the cars. You both started bringing up conversations. Laughing as you both were talking about the time Vance got arrested for beating up a guy who was flirting with you. "Vance I would've never cheated on you, plus that guy wasn't even flirting with me. He was just asking a question about an assignment" You said laughing. Vance shook his head. "Nope! He was flirting with you! He was talking to you, knowing that your mine! That's flirting! Vance said defensively. "Vance that guy was new-" You said. "Shush" He responded, as he smiled at you. After walking around for a while, both finishing your ice cream, you noticed the park coming up in your direction. "Wanna go to the park?" You asked. "Yeah why not?"

When you arrived at the park, you both sat down on the bench, observing the view. You saw all the kids laughing and playing. "You don't wanna join them y/n?" Vance said with a laugh. "Shut up" You said. After a while, you and Vance have been talking and goofing around with each other. Play fighting with each other, and insulting some of the kids at your school. "I swear to god I'm gonna beat up Moose one day, he's such an asshole. Not to mention he smells horrible! Like dude, he's worse than Robin." Vance said with a serious look on his face. "Vance please be quiet" You said holding in your laugh. Some time has passed and a kid ran up to Vance squirting a water gun at his face. "Ha ha ha!" The kid laughed. You soon bursted into laughter, your stomach hurting as you were laughing so hard. "Oh your dead!" Vance screamed at the kid. The kid started running and screaming, Vance chasing after him cussing him out. You wheezed as an army of kids suddenly ganged up on Vance and attacked him with water guns and mud. "EW GROSS! Y/N HELP" He screamed. "SORRY V" You said.
"Y/NNN" After a while, sitting on the bench by yourself, watching every kid get pushed off the slide by Vance. You noticed your ex boyfriend Lucas walking around the park with a girl, the girl he cheated on you with. "Well shit" You thought to yourself. Vance finally came back and sat next to you, his body and hair finally dry from the water, and the mud less visible. "Thanks so much for helping me Y/n" He said to you with a glare. "Aw your welcome sweetheart" You said with a smile. "Fuck you" You laughed. You noticed your ex was still there, and was actually walking closer to you. "Um Vance?" You said looking at him. "What do you want?" He asked. "Um can we please leave?" He looked at you confused. "Why? Are you okay?" He noticed your face filled with worry and your voice more quiet then usual. "Vance my ex is here, with the girl he cheated on me with. Can we please leave?" You told him. Vance looked around the park to try and spot him, and he did. He glared at the guy. Vance grabbed your hand. "Of course we can" He said with a smile. You gave him a quick kiss. "Thank you!" You both got up and started walking, that was until you felt your ex's voice call you from behind. "Y/n?" He asked, trying to get your attention. "Fuck"

As you and Vance turned around, still holding each others hand, you saw Lucas and his hoe walk up to you guys. Vance knowing how your ex used to treat you, tightened his grip on your hand and whispered "I got you" Lucas was finally right in front of you guys. "Y/n is that really you? It's been so long!" He said smiling. "Yeah it has" You responded. "I can see you guys are still together" You said, acknowledging the girl he cheated on you with. "It's actually our anniversary today Y/n" She said. "What the fuck?" Vance whispered. Him looking at your ex, and his girlfriend with disgust. Lucas looked at Vance. "So who's this?" He said chuckling. "Y/n's boyfriend!" Vance said. Lucas scoffed and looked at you. "What?" He asked. "Vance Hopper Y/n? Really baby?" Lucas said. Vance's face grew angrier. His hand suddenly letting yours go, as his hand turned into a fist. "I'm not your fucking baby!" You told him. "Whatever you slut" Your ex said, as he put his arm around his girlfriend. "Well nice meeting you Vance" Lucas said. Vance clenched his jaw and his knuckles turned white. "Nice seeing you again Y/n" Your ex said laughing. "I can't actually believe your dating hopper! He won't take care of you like I did" Lucas said. You were suddenly cut off by Vance punching your ex in the face. Vance grabbed Lucas by his collar and threw him into the playground structure, breaking your ex's wrist in the process. His girlfriend started screaming, but you were just observing the scene. Smiling as your ex was finally getting the punishment he deserves. The mental and physical abuse he put you through was horrible. You've always wanted to beat him up yourself, but you knew you weren't strong enough, and would end up more hurt then before. Vance was beating him up badly. His knuckles covered in blood, and your ex completely unrecognizable. As Lucas's face was covered in blood and bruises, Vance hovered over him and grabbed his collar once more, putting one of his hands into a fist. "DONT EVER, AND I MEAN EVER FUCK WITH HER AGAIN! YOU HEAR ME? IF YOU COME NEAR US AGAIN, I WILL KILL YOU!" Vance screamed as he punched your ex once more, knocking him out. "Nice to fucking meet you asshole!" He said as he got up and walked towards you. "Come on Y/n" He grabbed your hand and started walking home. Along with flipping your ex's girlfriend off during that moment.

The walk back to your house was painfully quiet. None of you guys saying a word to each other. But your hands still together, and giving each other quick glances. When you approached your house, you quickly walked Vance to your bathroom and got the first aid kit. He sat on the counter as you started cleaning him up. "I'm sorry that happened" You said to him. He looked at you confused. "What? No that wasn't your fault" Vance said. You shook your head. "I hate him so much Vance" You said starting to cry. Vance tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. "I know baby. But it's okay, I'll always protect you. He'll never come near you again" He gave you a comforting smile. You smiled back. "Thank you" You said. Vance pulled you closer to him and gave you a kiss. When you were done cleaning him up, he walked to your room and laid down on your bed. "Come here" He said reaching his hands out for you. You quickly got into your bed and cuddled into him. As you both started falling asleep you heard him say "I love you Y/n"
"Love you too Vance"

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