Whats Your Name

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You had been working at the club for about a month, oncoming two as the lights, smell of alcohol and weed have just become a normal smell for you.
You leave most nights with a stack of cash and all you had to do was shake that ass.
Easy right?

You pulled your hair into a high ponytail, the hair bow in your mouth as Mina; your best friend ran up to you with excitement.
"Tonight's the big night!"
You looked at her puzzled as you removed the hair bow and pulled the remaining hair back.
"Put on your sexy outfit y/n...all the best high end mafia leaders are coming tonight!"
Your eye slightly widened at her words as you've never had any mafia leaders come in before.
"Wait what?" You asked, sliding out your bra and looking at her.
"Let me help you." She smiled before digging through your clothes.

"Is this one new?" She held up a black laced 2-piece that exposed your body for the imagination to roam.
"Oh uhm...yea..." Your cheeks flushed red as she held it up.
"Throw it on...we're leaving here with more money then we know what to do with."

You slipped into the outfit, paired with black heels with red bottoms, the outfit exposing all your tattoos.
The one people caught interest in the most was the flame tattoo you had at the base of your ankle, twirled all the up to the inner thigh close to your womanhood.
You heard your name being called as the announcement was made and people got loud.
You took a sip of your alcohol beverage and walked out with a smile on your face.

Grabbing the pole and gliding down, your hands gliding down your thighs and spreading them open,
Dropping mouths and earning screams as your slid back up the pole and grabbed it, lifting yourself up and swinging around before wrapping your foot around it and hanging upside down, snaking your tongue out your mouth revealing your tongue piercing.
"OUTTA GIRL!" Your eyes scanned the room of the many men and sometimes women calling out for you as you noticed an unfamiliar face.
You climbed down the pole as you crawled towards him, catching his gaze with your as the alcohol was starting to kick in.
You spun around on your butt and outstretched your heel, placing it on the mans chest as a smirk placed on his face.

He grabbed your ankle lightly and placed a small kiss as he snaked $650 in your ankle strap causing you to smile and blow him a kiss.
You slid your hand between your thighs once more as you laid back on the stage, running your fingers over your folds as you lifted your legs and flipped backwards, crawling back to the pole and stretching up to grab it.
Everyone knew this was the final part as you dragged your hand down your chest and placed a finger into your mouth, shoving it down your throat as you let out a soft whimper sending everyone overboard and covering your stage with money.

You stood back up and bowed, showing your tongue piercing for everyone one last time as you cat-walked back down the stage and behind the curtain where you sipped your drink once more and undid your hair.
You started to remove your top as a knock on the door was heard.
"Come in." You pulled your shirt over your breasts as Aizawa walked in.
"There's a gentleman who would like to see you in a private room."

You looked at him puzzled as he kept his gaze with yours.
There's a paper on the door that specifically says Flame does not offer private dances which means you do more stage time due to that fact.
"If you don't-"
"No no, it's okay...thank you." You gave a reassuring smile as he shook his head and exited the dressing room.

You slipped on a different outfit as you left your hair down and walked towards the private rooms.
All the doors were open except the silver door.
You never did private dances but you remember Mina telling you that the silver door is where the most money comes from.
Which meant the wealthiest of the rich could only afford that room.

You pushed open the door to see the same man sitting on the couch, his legs sprawled open as he laid his arms behind him on the couch.
"Oh uh, hi." You shakingly said.
You could tell he was smiling at your shyness as he just looked at you.
"I don't uhm...I don't normally do private dances."
"I'm not looking for a private dance."
You looked at him confused as he held his hand out, his finger demanding you to walk towards him as he patted his thighs.

You walked over to him and slowly threw your legs over his thighs as his hands just laid on your waist.
You felt his hand grab your chin as he tilted your neck both ways to check for marks as he slowly inched over your body.
"No one touches you?" He raised an eyebrow as he looked back at you.
"N-no sir."
"Good...the name is Katsuki Bakugou, do you know who I am?"
You looked at him as you shook your head.
"I'm a mafia boss, the best of the best in Japan...and you're currently sitting on my lap. How does make you feel?"
The term best of the best replayed in your head as you looked past him.
"Tbh a little scared, I don't want to disrespect you sir."

A small chuckle left his mouth as he reassured you.
"I asked you to sit, you're not disrespecting me in the least bit..."
You looked into his eyes, the man looked like he could kill at any second but his eyes held a soft look as he spoke one more.

"What's your name?"
"Y/n...y/n l/n."

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