First Mission

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You all sat in the van as everyone dressed in black.

You had on a black cap with a black leather jacket, paired with black jeans and combat boots. Your sniper slung over your back.
You made sure to wear something to cover your neck as last night to you felt like it was nothing but revenge.
Bakugou finished talking as everyone waited on their cue.

You exited the van and immediately headed behind the alleyway.
You found the ladder and climbed up, mounting the rifle as you laid on your chest and propped yourself up.
"Move." You spoke into the ear piece.
Out of everyone, you were given the hardest job.
You did your studying and who the people were to make sure you didn't shoot the wrong person.

You watched as everyone moved silently towards the abandoned building. Kirishima leading first to scope the place out as Denki sat in the van, taking out the cameras.
"How many cameras y/n."
You looked through the scope and did your counting.
You heard him tapping away before you seen Kirishima and Bakugou move into the house, indicating the cameras were shut down.
You watched as a van pulled up.
"Code 12, cover now."

Code 12 was a saying you learned to notify someone that was not counted for, had pulled up and to take cover immediately.
"Firing on sight." You felt your finger get trigger happy as you watched 3 men get out the van.
You steadied your breath before pulling the trigger, shooting one between the eyes as they others looked around.
You cocked back reloading as you took position again.

You pulled the trigger again, hitting one in the shoulder which made the other man look up to the building, giving you the chance to cock back and fire, hitting him between the eyes.

"2 down, firing."
You pulled the trigger once more, sending the third one down as you exhaled, thankful you could breath again.

You heard the others on the earpiece but you didn't pay attention as you was focusing on the windows.
"Y/n, left window." You moved the gun slightly and waited for your cue.
"Fire now."
You paused. You studied this man.
"Y/n I said fire."
"Can't do that sir. If we kill this man the police will be here in t-minus 6 seconds. He's the son of this whole operation. We kill him last or take him with us."
You heard Kirishima through the ear piece saying holy shit as if you haven't done this your whole life.

You looked at the right window where you noticed someone.
"You in right window?"
You pulled the trigger, watching as the blood splatted the window and the body fall.
"We got it from here. Make sure no one interferes. Y/n, head back to the van and grab your weapon."

You started to get up before you felt a sharp object impale your shoulder.
"SHIT!" You screamed out.
You turned around before the weapon could stab you again, kicking your boot into their chest as they stumbled backwards.

You grabbed your shoulder and winched in pain as blood slowly leaked down your sleeve and covered your hand.
"Y/n where are you?" You heard Denki in the ear piece as you grabbed your knife, dodging the randomly thrown out stabs.
You threw your only knife and watched it impale their leg as they screamed out, grabbing their leg.

You grabbed them by the arm and slung them over your back, kicking them with your feet.
You watched his body from the roof as you looked over, seeing his blood and parts of his body splattered all over the concrete.
"Shit guys, Denki I need assistance." You winched once more as you grabbed your shoulder.

"What's going on?" Bakugou questioned in the ear piece.
You heard a small scream as you looked over towards y'all's van. Quickly grabbing your rifle and mounting.
"Denki, count to 3, stay with me."

You watched as one of the men was trying to break into the van and you heard him shakingly counting down.
Once he hit one, you pulled the trigger, shooting him in the back of the head, his head banged against the van.

You stood up, slinging the rifle over your shoulder and taking it slow down the ladder, holding your shoulder as you walked to the van. You kicked the man off the door as you opened it.
"Oh thank god- holy shit."

He looked at you covered in blood, yours and someone else's as he quickly attended your wound.
You removed your jacket, leaving you in a tank top as he wrapped your shoulder.

You grabbed your weapon, giving him a kiss on the cheek before you headed inside to Bakugou and Kirishima.

You met up with them as they worriedly looked at you.
"What the hell happened!" Bakugou whisper yelled.
"We got attacked, lets go."

You pushed forward, trailing off from the boys who went head first.
You turned left and headed upstairs as you met the son who looked at you in fear.
"Tell me when you've got it Bakugou, I'm pressed for time."
The son ran to the other side of the room, reaching for a button as you quickly grabbed him, wrapping your legs around and pinning him down.
"Bakugouuu lets goooo!"
You started to yell in the ear piece as the man reached into his pocket, hearing a click sound as you pulled the trigger.

With the son killed you quickly busted downstairs and through the main door where you heard gunshots.
You looked around.
You quickly reloaded your gun and let loose, killing any man left alive and Bakugou quickly saved a hostage and y'all bolted out the door.

You guys hurried outside as they van started moving, running towards it jumping through the back and closed the doors.
You laid on the floor resting as your shoulder was hurting.

Worst first mission ever...almost a fail if anything

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