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You dragged your feet into the office as you sat at your desk.
Bakugou walking in soon after.
"You look rough."

You looked up at him, bags under your eyes as you laughed.
"Sorry, kinda hard to sleep when your boss is fucking a nobody pussy-seller."
Bakugou clenched his teeth, his body now showing anger.
"Maybe next time your little play-toy arrives unexpected you go fuck in the car. Oh wait...that happened to, I could smell her on the seat."
Bakugou slammed his office doors shut as you groaned and leaned your head back.

You scrolled through your laptop, looking at the all the weapons Bakugou needed you to analyze.
You wrote him your half of the work and walked to the office doors.
You opened them and looked at him.
You walked towards his desk and threw your paperwork on the desk.
"I'm done for the day."

He looked at you with your arms crossed and dead hovering over you.
"Don't interfere with my relationship."
"Don't interfere with my sleep and then we'll talk."
You pressed your lips together and lowered your eyebrows. Him now pushing his limits.
"We'll talk when I say we do."
"Yea if you don't have her pussy in it."

You've never argued with Bakugou before, but he was really pushing your limits at this point.
He growled as he just stared at you.
"I suggest you think before you speak y/n."
"And I suggest you learn to love and stop being used...Katsuki Bakugou."


He was taken back by you using his whole name but at the same time was starting to enjoy this.

He wanted to break you so bad.
You just had no idea.

"Are you coming to...hate me y/n?"
"Hate is a strong word Bakugou."
You narrowed your eyes as you stayed in the same spot.
"Then how do you feel?"
He toned down his voice which caught you off guard, but pissed you off more.

"How do i feel? Are you fucking serious what is this? Middle school."
"I'm not going to ask again."
"Bakugou you don't own me, i work for you. I'm replaceable remember."
"Yea and remember what happened last time you didn't listen."

Your face started to flush as you huffed.
"I can't be manipulated sir, everything ive done up to this point was for a reason."
"Oh I'm sorry, I guess only Mina can get what she wants huh."
He grinned. Knowing damn well he has where he wants you.

You pulled out your gun and pointed it towards him, that sick smile still on his face.
"You're really pissing me off Bakugou."
"It's empty."
You pulled the trigger, a small hole forming through his desk between his legs.
This threw him off guard as you just looked at him.
"Next time I won't fucking miss."

Anastasia walked through the door screaming as she seen you pointing a gun at her boyfriend.
She grabbed your shoulder and jerked you back as you pulled the trigger, shooting her in the shoulder.
You was starting to lose it...and this didn't end good last time.

Bakugou stood up to the scene as she grabbed her shoulder screaming.
You looked back at Bakugou as he started to see the fumes coming from your body...
You're entire well-being being engulfed and changing in it.

You reloaded your gun and aimed it at him, his mouth starting to open before the guards grabbed you.
Shoving you to the ground as you screamed for them to get the fuck off.
They dragged you to the elevator as they escorted you out the building and to your car.

You slammed the door shut and drove off, tires screeching down the road as you drove back to your old house.

You walked inside, throwing your weapon on the floor as you wobbled towards the old living room, falling to the ground. Your vision was going blurry as your breathing was being cut off.
You started to feel you was about to pass out as you grabbed your phone, sending a message to the group chat.
Your body started to feel lighter as your eyes started to close.




Your mind going hazy as everything started to fade. You kept going in and out as the small memories replayed in your head.

"You wont get any better unless you keep trying. Do it again." You felt the butt of a gun smash into your head as you tried to get back up.
Day after day till you eventually could handle it, not falling down.
You were trained, shaped, molded into the person you are now.
The blood and sweat that dripped from your body everyday to train and be better.
"You will not get better unless you keep trying. Do it again."
1 punch, 2 punch, 40 punch, 110 punch
"You will not get any better unless you keep trying. Do it again."
Pulling the trigger.
Chest, heart, head, chest, heart, head
"You will not get any better unless you keep trying. Do it again."
Throwing the knives into the pictures of my family as my emotions were stripped of me.
Practicing with every gun they handed me. Bullseyes next after the next.
Being shoved down and told to get back up.
Killing innocent people but being told it had a purpose.

"They did not want you y/ them why."
Sneaking through the window as I watched my dad fuck my mom only for sex, her moans of pleasure because she knew she got money out of it in return. I was never wanted, they didn't plan me. My mom went shopping with his card, in exchange for sex. I was made and tossed out.
I interrupted their sex as i shot my dad from the back of head, his blood covering my mom who was now screaming.
I used my knife to slice her throat, the blood pouring out as she begged for her life.
"I'll never love you."

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