Outta Pocket

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You all sat on the couch, the memories overlapping in your head.
You didn't look up, you couldn't.

You grabbed the sides of your head, staring down at the ground as you started to mumble.
"I killed him...I killed him...everything I know
Worked for...it's all gone."
Sero grabbed your shoulder as you jerked your body, immediately looking at him.
"Do NOT touch me."

You sounded feral...sounded unnatural.
"Woah calm down..."
"Don't tell me to calm down, I just killed the only man who built me.
I killed the only female I vowed to protect who turned out to be fake.

You stood up from the couch as you looked at everyone.
"I should go..."
"Y/n wait..."
"Let her go." You looked at Bakugou who finally spoke. Looking directly at you.
"If she wants to leave let her...it'll be up to her if she returns or not."

You hugged your body as you looked at everyone.
"It's not ya'll...it's me."
You started to leave as your hand grabbed the knob,
Looking back at everyone as Kaminari had tears in his eyes.
You opened the door and walked out, walking straight and not looking back.

(Time Skip)

You had left all your belongings in Bakugous house as you crawled through your apartment window.
You slung your rifle onto the couch you found in an alleyway and made your way to the kitchen.
Grabbing a small tea you leaned against the counter.

It had been 3 months since you stepped back into Bakugous house.
You could only imagine what they were up to.
"Should I text them?"
Your hand didn't even move to the phone.

You sighed as you grabbed your rifle and walked back towards the window.
Jumping on the ledge you crawled up to the roof and sat down.
"Coming in, coming in, hostile seen running 8th marker."
You looked at the police radio on your roof as you quickly jumped to other roof's
Making your way towards the victim.

Propping yourself on one knee as you laid your rifle on your other, aiming down sight.
You looked through the scoop, soon seeing the car speed up.
You held your breath as you pulled the trigger.
The air around you getting slower as the car slowed down,
The bullet piercing through the window and hitting the person.
The car screeched, tires burning as the car ran into a tree.

You set the rifle down as you breathed again, the cops all running out the vehicle.
"Wait a minute-"
You looked back through the scoop as your jaw dropped.
"Oh fuck..."

Your heart started to beat out your chest as you lost balance. Falling backwards.
Your hand on your heart, your lungs trying to breath as you started to hyperventilate.
You quickly picked up your phone and dialed the number.

"I just killed your ex-girlfriend."

Bakugou POV
She was screaming into the phone, choking on her words,
Telling me she was about to cry as I quickly stood up.
"Where are you?"
No answer.
"Y/n, I need you to speak to me. Where are you."

"I'm on the way."

I quickly pulled up to her old apartment as I ran to the ladder and climbed to the roof.
She was positioned with her rifle towards me as I put my hands up.
"Stay back."
"Woah woah-"
"What are you going to do to me...tell me."
"I'm not here to hurt you."
"You're lying to me."

"I'm not stupid...you was still seeing her. Those late nights you didn't come home."
"How did-"
She cocked it back as she loaded it.
"You still love her. You didn't come here to save me..."
I felt my phone buzz as I swallowed.
"Answer it."
She pulled the trigger, the bullet flying past my ear.
"I said answer it."

I answered my phone as I put it on speaker phone.
"Hey babyyy, did she fall for it? Do you have her yet? You know we need her in order to be successful."
I looked back at her as she motioned for me to talk.
"N-no I don't have her."
Suddenly I heard her scream for help as my eyes went wide.
"You do have her! Good job baby. Now bring her back home..."
She hung up the phone as she pulled the trigger again.
My phone flying at my hand as it shattered.

"You god damn traitor."
"It's not what it sounds like."
I took a step as she cocked the gun.
"Do not step any closer...you let me leave for a reason. Tell me why you needed me."
"We needed you because we was going to use you..."
"So all those times you gave me...we had sex bakugou...I was just...just a toy!"
"No we needed you to join our team...so we could rule everything."
"You played me Bakugou!"

My leg...
I looked down as my leg was bleeding...my whole body froze as I watched her walk close to me.
"Why can't...I move..."
"Welcome to my quirk Bakugou...I can freeze anything I put my mind to."
I slowly fell to the ground as I looked at the sky.
The rifle pressed to my forehead.
"You got some major talking to do Katsuki."

I felt her grab my arm and drag me off the roof, throwing me through a window as the glass cut my skin.
"Please listen."
"I'm done listening. I ask the questions around here."
She grabbed my shoulder as she slammed through a table, the wood impaling my body.

She tied me to a chair as she pulled one in front of me. Sitting down with a gun in her hand.
"Let's begin question #1..."

That same sinister smile...the black thick fog around her body...
The look of a killer in her eyes as I swallowed. Scared for once in my life.

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