Inner Demon

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I was visited by one of my demons last night

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I was visited by one of my demons last night.

One of many kinds.

It came in the form of a child.

Its skin, black like a shadow.

Sharp claw marks on its body.

Scars deep and unfathomable.

And it's eyes full of eternal burning anger.

For years, I wanted to ask a question.

But for some reason l couldn't.

Perhaps l didn't know how to.

Perhaps I couldn't find a perfect time and place.

Perhaps l was afraid.

So this time l looked into its fiery eyes

And asked only one question,

"What happened to you?"

The demon opened its mouth

And spoke in a hoarse voice,

Faint like a whisper.

As if tired from screaming

For a very long long time.

"I am here," it said,

"Because nobody protected me"

"I am here," it continued,

"Because nobody loved me.

So I couldn't find a place and call it a home."

Before the demon left, it gave me one last look.

"And l am here, " it whispered again,

"Because when I screamed, nobody listened."



Dear Readers,

Thank you for reading this poem.

I wrote this poem in mid 2023 while I was doing some shadow work.

I am still learning how to heal and take care of myself.

A question to my dear readers:

How are your experiences with your inner demons?

Let me know in the comments.

If you like this poem, please don't forget to vote.

From the author with ❤️



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