This is our goodbye

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As I packed all of my belongings

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As I packed all of my belongings

Before leaving for the airport,

I secretly wished you'd asked me not to go.

Instead, you wished me good luck

And hoped that I had a better future.

Perhaps this was your way of telling me

That although you did not want me to go,

You really wanted me to be happy

Even if it means not being with you.

Perhaps this was your way of telling me

How much you loved me.

You're never the guy full of hearts and roses.

Romantic movies were never your type.

Your only true love were facts and figures,

Hard and plain as a whiteboard.

Concrete and indisputable.

A lover of the quantum space

And the spectrum of the universe.

You'd always say romantic movies were silly

And fairy tales, a frivolous ideal.

So it was quite remarkable

How you looked at me

With a deep wonder in your eyes.

Like how an artist looks at his muse.

As if I were a mystery you couldn't solve.

Like one of your hardest math equations.

Like one of the secrets of the universe.

If only I could speak Mathematics,

Then I'd described our current lives

Like the parallels lines on a blank graph paper.

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