Chapter Three - Will we ever learn?

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Felix's POV:

The heir to the Applesoft empire laid beneath his enormous covers that draped over his king sized bed, struck under a spell of deep slumber.

Since his breakup all the boy could do was sleep. Sleep until it was breakfast, sleep until it was midday, and sleep until it was dinner. Oh, and sleep until it was bedtime. The boy physically couldn't get out of bed, he had no motivation nor willpower and definitely not the mental strength to face his father.

Ever since Felix and Carla split, Mr Huxley started neglecting Felix a lot more and favouring Theodore, Felix's twin brother, which dumbfounded Felix; Felix had always been the favourite, Why Teddy now? Just because Felix wasn't doing much paperwork anymore? It seemed impossible his father would even think of such an irrational idea, never mind execute it.

The blonde boy began to shift his consciousness back to reality and rub his eyes in a feeble attempt to wake himself up. He could barely face waking up in the morning but at least he didn't have school, and that meant he didn't have to see his ex-girlfriend.

All Felix wanted was his girlfriend back, the girl of his dreams. Sure, they argued from time to time but they always made up one way or the other, why on earth was it different this time?
He loved her with everything in him, he couldn't bare to be away from her, why did this have to happen now?

His eyes began to sting and he didn't even fight it anymore, he just let the tears fall.

A week ago he would've slapped himself and said "Huxley's show no sign of weakness."

And oh how wrong he was then.

Felix heard a door slam from downstairs, signalling his fathers return from work. He could tell just by his footsteps that he was in a bad mood.

Mr Huxley stormed up the grand marble staircase and his footsteps grew closer and closer. Felix braced himself for the berating he was about to receive for not being up, dressed, and working.

"Why are you not awake?!" Mr Huxley opened Felix's door so hard it nearly flew off the hinges onto Felix's bed.
"You are a disappointment of a son! I did not raise you like this! No son of mine will be a lazy bastard!" He dropped his silver lined briefcase and stormed over to his eldest son and slapped him hard on the cheek, causing Felix to wince in pain.

"What have I always told you?!"


"Felix Andrew Huxley what saying have I raised you on?!"

"Huxley's show no sign of weakness." Felix's voice quivered in sadness and fear, not knowing if he could bare another hit.

"Exactly!" His fathers tone shook with anger and his face flushed a deep shade of maroon.

"Get your ass up and do your long overdue paperwork." He slapped his son once more harshly on his knee before exiting the room, taking one last look at Felix, "No wonder your mother killed herself." and slamming the door harder than when he opened it.

Felix laid there sobbing quietly so he didn't get shouted at again; that was the last thing he needed. All he wanted was for things to go back to how they were before.

When he still had a girlfriend. When he could still get out of bed. When he was still his father's favourite-

"Fe?" A voice so quiet it could be mistook for the wind spoke from outside the boys door. "It's only me-"

"I can tell Teddy." Felix rolled his eyes at his brother's stupidity.

"..Can i come inside?"

"I dOn'T kNoW, cAn YoU?" The older twin mocked.

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