Chapter 20 - Campires and pyromaniacs don't mix.

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After the rush of unpacking bags and setting up tents, the sun had begun to set and the Kindersquad huddled around the campfire. Buggs toasted marshmallows whilst Carla and Jerome were trying to set fire to people's clothes using the stick's used to grill the marshmallows.

The vibes were immaculate. Jerome was constantly making jokes about Monty pining over Carla, which earned him multiple death glares that were the epitome of 'if looks could kill', with that also resulted in hard punches on the arm.

After the pyromaniac's successfully set fire to Billy's hoodie for a split second, Carla sat up and began talking to Cindy. The two had grown rather close in high school. Cindy being an enabler and always helping people out with their usual shenanigans to cause a scene, and Carla who was just an all-around troublemaker. The two made quite the pair, and also were the people to come to if you wanted gossip about anyone. If there was gossip or drama about anyone around school, you could guarantee these two knew the full story and more.

"Sooo.. how are you and Mr 'Soul Searcher?'" Carla grinned, whispering quietly to the blonde next to her.

The 'Mr Soul Searcher' in question was Cindy's 'situationship,' more commonly known as Buggs. He'd been taking a gap year travelling around various countries to find his purpose in life, which seemingly was doing wonders for his mental health and helping him grow as a person. Although, Cindy complained and didn't like being apart from him for too long as it made her have to actually miss him, which she didn't usually do with her actual boyfriends.

"We're fine. I just wished he'd stay with me for longer than a couple days before disappearing to another country." She rolled her eyes.

"Well I don't think he's gonna stop 'soul searching' for a while, he's pretty set on it." Carla said.

"Unfortunately, how's you and pasty ginger?"

"There's nothing with me and 'pasty ginger', thank you." Carla scoffed.

"You slept at his house for two nights in a row and he met your dad, you're practically married with three children." Cindy raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms.

"I think I'd know if I had children, Cindy." Carla snorted, crossing her own arms to mock the blonde.

"You do! It's me, Jerome, and Felix." She grinned.

"..Wouldn't that mean Ted would also be my kid?" Carla raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, that guy... he's pretty forgettable." Cindy rolled her eyes at the mention of the 'lesser great' Huxley, as she usually referred to him as.

"You've not changed one bit since Kindergarten, have you?" Carla chuckled.

"You haven't even! Still pining over pasty ginger." She crossed her arms again dramatically, a triumphant grin on her face.

"I do not pine over Monty Montgomery." She hissed under her breath, looking at Monty who was still squabbling with Jerome.

"Carla, just get with him! He clearly likes you, you've practically got him on his knees."

Carla smirked slightly at the mere thought of that before realising and coughing, "No, he doesn't."

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