Chapter 21 - Plans

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Monty emerged from his tent, looking round the campsite and rubbing his head. He was hoping to find a magical hangover cure or Carla, either would be fine. He looked around for a while before sighing in defeat and slumping down on one of the log seats by the campire, the same one he sat in when him and Carla shared that tension filled moment the night before.

Jerome and Buggs came out the tent a few minutes later, Jerome quickly waddled into the woods to be sick whilst Buggs sat down beside Monty.

"How're you feeling?" Buggs asked him, looking over at the ginger.

"Shit." Monty grumbled as he fiddled with his glasses.

"Well, that's how you know you've had a good night." Buggs chuckled, sipping a flask of water.

Monty hummed and snickered at Jerome, who was hobbling back over to them and groaning.

"Hey Mr Lightweight." Monty teased.

"Fuck you, legless." Jerome flipped him off as he flopped down beside the two boys.

The three of them began to talk, although Monty's mind was still focused on where Carla was. She wasn't in her tent- actually, now he thought about it, none of the girls were.

"Have you two seen any of the girls?" Monty asked.

"No, they're probably out doing girly shit whilst Carla's setting fire to some shit." Jerome answered, clearly uninterested in the topic of conversation Monty chose.

"The Huxley twins left earlier with Adam and Billy though, The Huxley's had a meeting to attend to and Adam and Billy wanted to check out the old Kindergarten again." Buggs added.

"Why's Kidd so obsessed with that place? It's just all rubble besides from the lab." Jerome stated, yawning.

Monty was barely paying attention to the conversation going on between his friends, he pulled out his phone and smiled as he saw Carla's name.

Ma chérie 💚

What time are we leaving.

Monty frowned at the dry message, usually she was a lot more upbeat and happy then this.

Me: Have you got somewhere to be?

He waited a few seconds for her to respond.

Ma chérie 💚: No.

Me: Then why do you want to leave so early? I wanted to spend some time with you. Y'know, just the two of us.

Ma chérie 💚: You're funny.

Me: What? What's wrong?


What was up with her? Had he done something? He couldn't remember doing anything bad, in all honesty he thought everything was great between them because of the whole campfire thing last night. He frowned, fiddling with his fingers as he tried to think about what he had done.

"You know what Kidd's like, he keeps getting visions and shit that somethings not right. I think he just wants to put his mind at rest." Buggs shrugged.

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