Chapter Nine - Sober? thoughts

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"Come on, you need to sober up." The ginger rolled his eyes like Carla did seconds before and out both his hands on Jerome's shoulders and pretty much forced him to walk in a straight line to the nearest bathroom. Jerome groaned and whined, trying to twist himself out of Monty's forceful grip but eventually he got fed up and gave in.

Monty groaned internally as his best friend vomited into the toilet loudly. He wanted nothing more for Jerome to fall into the toilet and get trapped in the sewers because now there's zero chance he's gonna get any action at this stupid party and he's pretty much obliterated his chances with Carla because of his stupid, drunk best friend.

Monty leaned back onto Jerome's sink whilst rolling his eyes in disapproval everytime his best friend puked up his insides into the toilet, "What did I tell you?" He said with a tone of anger.

"To not- bleh, to not to drink my feelings away." Jerome grimaced before throwing up once more.

"And what did you do?"

"Drink my feelings away.." Jerome coughed and rubbed his throat which was now stinging from all the sick he was heaving up.

"I told you so." The ginger shook his head and shot his best friend a sympathetic look.

The only thing that filled the silence for the next couple of minutes was Jerome putting his whole head into the toilet bowl and occasionally coughing something up, after a while though all the alcohol was out of his system and he was just bringing up bile.

"Did you talk to Diana?" The freckled boy asked, slightly hopeful that his platonic soulmate didn't fuck up his chances anymore with his year long crush.

Monty had no idea how Jerome liked Diana, let alone how long it had been. I mean, yeah, Diana was pretty he'd give her that, but there wasn't really much to her. She was just any typical sort of teenage girl their age- I mean, so was Cindy. Cindy was the most basic teenage girl you could get, to the point where Monty was starting to question himself as to whether he even liked her. She was girly, blonde, wore high heels, always dressed up- everything opposite of Monty's type, although Monty had zero idea what his type even was.

He'd liked a good few girls in his highschool years. He dated a few in the year above but none really stuck out, apart from the fact they were completely different to Cindy. Zero similar characteristics at all.
They all had some niche hobby they were really into, more on tomboy side and were fun to talk to,
atleast for a month or so.

Cindy had none of that. No hobbies, completely feminine and talking to her was like a brick wall.

What made him fall head over heels for her? I mean, Jerome's theory was that she spiked his drink with a love potion and Buggs' was that she got him so high that he couldn't see the difference between a trash can and herself so it was an easy hookup she could bag. Both were very possible outcomes and either could've happened. Monty just wish he knew the actual answer.

"Oi, are you even listening?" Suddenly Jerome was in Monty's face, clicking his fingers rapidly and aggressively like a mother.

"What? Oh, sorry. What did you say again?"

Jerome grunted, "I said I didn't get the chance to, she didn't come over to get a drink once. Not even once the whole however many hours I was in there!" He finally brought his head up from the toilet bowl and wiped his mouth before flushing and closing the toilet lid.

"That sucks, at least you didn't have the chance to fuck things up by hitting on her whilst you couldnt even stand up?" Monty shrugged and smiled sheepishly, earning a quick scowl from the boy hunched over.

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