Chapter 17 - How You Get The Girl

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oh we getting to the JUICY parts now

Carla had made the grave mistake of falling asleep a little bit before she was meant to go home, so when she woke up at nine pm- she was stressing. Luckily her dad was out of town so her older brother was looking after her siblings. She quickly rushed to the door and began to put her coat and shoes on.

Monty was honestly amused by the whole situation, he felt bad that she had to rush home and that she was worried, but he thought it was sweet how she had fallen asleep within the comfort of him and Penny. He looked outside and saw the amount of rain that was pouring down from the sky and scoffed.

"I am not letting you go out in that." He said, clearly not making any room for negotiation.

"I have to, it's only my brother at home, I can't leave him alone with all my siblings." She said, struggling to put her shoes on as she refused to untie the laces.

"Have you seen the rain? You're gonna get soaked." He crossed his arms.

"Monty, if you think this is bad you should see the storms in Spain." She chuckled.

"I'm being serious, I'm not letting you leave the house in this, and it's too risky to drive you home." He said, clearly brainstorming for an idea.

"Carla, you could drown!" At some point, Penny had woken up and walked out of the living room and infiltrated Monty and Carla's conversation, a worried expression was plastered on her face for the brunette.

"Well, I wouldn't go that far," Monty chuckled, "But it is bad, you can't go out in that."

"Sleep over! Pleaseeee can Carla sleep over Monty?" Penny put on her best puppy dog eyes and convincing voice to attempt to persuade Monty.

"You could if you want." He offered, trying to hide his internal excitement.

"That's sweet Penny, but I don't want to cause any trouble." Carla giggled politely, patting Penny on the head.

"You won't be, my mum's not back for a few days, and I could use the extra help with getting madame here to sleep." He raised his eyebrows at Penny, she was a nightmare to get to sleep so it would be nice for Carla to help.

"And you can give Monty company! He always complains about how lonely he is when you leave-"

"Woahh look at the time! It's time for bedtime." He blushed bright red before changing the subject immediately and leading Penny upstairs, causing Carla to giggle.

She followed them upstairs and helped tuck Penny into bed.

"Will you please stay, Carla?" Penny asked, hopeful.

"Just for you I will." Carla grinned, kissing Penny softly on the forehead.

Penny's eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas as she hugged her tightly and said goodnight to her. As they left the room Monty had a wide grin plastered on his face, and Carla was curious to see what caused it.

"What are you grinning so widely at?" She raised her eyebrows.

"You." He smirked.

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