Chapter 16- No distractions.

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A concerning amount of swear trickled down Carla's forehead as she finally understood how she was going to tackle this project, the weather definitely was a disadvantage, but she was way too motivated to quit due to just the climate.

She got about halfway through the project planning before she made the grave mistake to check her phone, where she found a text from Monty lighting up the screen.

Coffee uber 🖕🏽

Coffee uber🖕🏽: you busy?

Me: unfortunately, got to finish this stupid project for applegate.

Me: i have soo much to tell you tho omg

Coffee uber 🖕🏽: you want me to come pick you up? :)

Me: i wouldd but i really need to get this done, it's worth 30% of my grade :(

Coffee uber 🖕🏽: i can help you with it? not that you need it, but it'll be more fun to do it with someone

Coffee uber 🖕🏽: i'll come pick u up and we can do it at mine, also penny has been asking me like crazy for you to come see her

Me: sounds good to me i miss penn sm, as long as we ACTUALLY get it done, no distractions mister

Coffee uber 🖕🏽: i distract you?

Me: you know that's not what i meant monty.

Coffee uber 🖕🏽: i know it's what you were thinking

Me: whatever helps you sleep at night, be here in 15 :)

"That sly bastard.." Carla whispered, cursing the ginger out.

When Monty finally arrived, Carla was greeted with the usual gift of her favourite coffee.

"Is this going to become a tradition now?" Carla smiled at the gracious gesture.

"I suppose I can sacrifice three dollars in exchange to see you smile." Monty looked at her and grinned.

"My smile is only worth three dollars?!" Carla exclaimed.

"That's not what I said." Monty giggled.

"Whatever, your name in my phone is 'Coffee uber' so it fits." Carla said smugly.

"That's my name in your phone?" Monty asked, offended.

"Well it used to be 'Ginger dweeb' so I'd say you've been granted a generous upgrade." Carla laughed.

"..And to think I had you named as something nice." The ginger shook his head and started his car.

"Why, what's my name?" The brunette asked, clearly intrigued by the other's vagueness.

"No, you don't get to know now, you've been too cruel." Monty says.

"Oh please, I could've made it way worse, just tell me!" Carla said, impatiently.

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