Chapter 18 - Hypothetical Situations

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Carla was rudely awakened by the blinding sun coming through the blinds of the bedroom, she groaned before burying her head under the pillow and turning over before she clocked the place she woke up wasn't where she fell asleep originally.

She sat up immediately, suddenly highly alert, and scanned her surroundings. She eventually realised she was in someone's bedroom, but who's exactly?Last thing she remembered was resting her head on Monty's shoulder.. so she must've fallen asleep a few moments after that, but why was she here now?
She quickly made her way downstairs and saw Monty in the kitchen at the stove, making breakfast.

"Oh, you're awake, morning." He turned around and smiled at her as he was dishing up Penny's breakfast, which consisted of a few pancakes practically swimming in syrup and fruit.

"Care to explain how I got from the sofa to your bed?" She asked, wasting no time by cutting to the chase.

"I couldn't leave you asleep on the sofa, that's not very gentleman-like, so I thought I'd just put you in my bed." He shrugged, not seeing the big deal as he began making Carla some pancakes.

"Where did you sleep?" She raised her eyebrows, taking a seat at the kitchen island.

"On the sofa, don't worry, I'd ask before I slept next to you." He grinned, plating up her breakfast and sliding it over to her.

"Never said I was worried." Carla mumbled as she took a bite of her pancakes, not loud enough for him to make out what she was saying.

"What?" He asked, debating in his head whether she just spoke really quietly or he made it up in his head from pure delusions.

"Nothing." She smiled, pleasantly enjoying her pancakes, she didn't take Monty for such a good cook.

"Anyway, it's your fault, you're the one that fell asleep on me." He grinned widely, teasing her slightly with a playful hint in his voice.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep." She rolled her eyes and glared at him.

"Mhm, sure." He smirked, not buying her excuse.

"Anyway, what time do you want me to leave?" Carla changed the subject, taking a sip of the coffee Monty had just made for her.

"Penny wanted you to come to the zoo with us if you don't have any plans for today?" Monty got up from the table and undid his apron and put it on a hook by the back door.

"..Are you sure the zoo is the best idea? Considering her nightmares recently?" Carla raised her eyebrows in confusion, she knew Penny had been having constant nightmares about her bear attack for a couple consecutive nights in a row for a while now, which made Carla question whether the zoo, a place full of wild animals, was the best choice for a day out for her.

"She was adamant on it, plus her therapist has been saying I should expose her to more animals to show her that they're not all bad." He sighed and sat opposite her, drinking his own coffee.

"Carla?" A voice shouted from the living room.

"Yeah?" Carla shouted back, smiling to herself once she recognised the voice.

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