Chapter Five - Friends?

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Most of the snow had melted from the night before, but the good vibes and memories still lingered and filled Monty with joy, giving him a swing in his step.

The sun shone bright on the boy, causing his tangerine-coloured hair to shine brighter than a shooting star glistening in the night sky.

Walks back from the gym always filled him with serotonin and helped him clear his head. He popped in his headphones and played his most recent playlist.

🎵 Girl, tell me what you're doing on the other side

And tell, just tell me what you're doing with that other guy 🎵

He picked up his regular oat latte from his nearby coffee shop and drank it with joy, smiling with every
sip that passed his lips.

During his walk home, he had a lot of time to think. He thought about school, how he only had a couple weeks left before winter break. He thought about his business, how he intended to keep that running throughout the cold winter days whilst he wasn't at school. Finally, he thought about Carla. Well, mainly their meetup yesterday. It was good to have someone to talk to, someone you could have that friendly banter with without them taking it to seriously like his ex-girlfriend Cindy did. He grimaced at the thought of her and pushed the thought away.

Carla flooded his mind again. How had he not spoke to her sooner? Probably because of their business rivalry, hopefully it wasn't rivalry anymore. He enjoyed talking to her. She was perfect in his eyes. The perfect friend.

🎵 And what the hell were we?
Tell me we weren't just friends, this doesn't make much sense 🎵



Eventually, Monty reached his apartment block and tried the elevator, which still hadn't been repaired, although it'd been broken for what felt like decades, so he had to take the stairs; which definitely wasn't good for his prosthetic but it was the only way to reach their top floor apartment.

He reached the apartment door where the red paint was peeling off the sides, which revealed the ash coloured foundation oak wood underneath. The ginger stopped in his tracks as he heard unfamiliar voices from inside.

"Oh it's so obvious he likes her, he doesn't even try to hide it."

"I reckon he has a chance."

"Oh cut Carla some slack, girls just left a year long relationship."

"Which you ended."

"Okay jeez it wasn't just me! It was Felix's fault too."

"And look where that's got you."

"Oh shut up fat ass you could audition for 600lb life if you wanted to-"

"How the fuck did you three manage to get in here?" Monty twisted his key and practically threw the door open, revealing his two friends and his ex girlfriend sitting on his kitchen island.

"Your little ginger stepbrother let us in dumbass." Buggs snorted.

A small "Sorry!" was heard from one of the upstairs bedrooms, which was followed by a "SHUT THE FUCK UP OZZY!" from Monty and Buggs.

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