Chapter 13 - Can't hide forever!

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Monty and Carla were having a blast on call; playing stupid games and chatting about anything without having a care in the world, before Monty made the grave mistake to check his notifications and accidentally open one of them.

Party animal: @Monty care to explain to us where you were today?

Monty sighed, of course Jerome had found out. The ginger can't take two steps out of his own house without Jerome watching.

St Patrick's day: The park?

Missing hairline: By yourself?

St Patrick's day: Acting like that's not your sesh spot.

Missing hairline: Not anymore, some random ass mom threatened to ring the police when a kid picked up my bag so I've had to move location.

St Patrick's day: So you have to suffice with the dumpster lady again?

Missing hairline: Fuck off, she's okay sometimes, it's just easier to do it behind the school.

Daddy's money: Yeah, because that's clearly smart and definitely not where people will see.

Missing hairline: Fuck off moneybags, your hairs falling out because of how much you bleach your dark ass roots to hide them so people think it's 'natural'

Daddy's money: It is natural, and atleast I have hair, I've reported yours to the police as a missing person.

Missing hairline: You should report your mom next.

Daddy's money: I'd report your dad but he's bribed me not to so he doesn't have to come home to you and your drugged up mom.

Party animal: Shut up both of you, I want to hear what Monty has to say.

Emily from Class of 09: Just because you want to bumfuck him.

Party animal: Acting like if a random man offered you a tenner to bumfuck you, you wouldn't?

Emily from Class of 09: As if.

St Patrick's day: Why do you want to know who I was with, Jerome?

Party animal: Oh I already know, I just want you to tell the others and see their reactions.

St Patrick's day: I was with Carla, happy?

Emily from CO09: You finally shot your shot?!

Missing hairline: No fucking way, what did she say??

St Patrick's day: Nothing, because I didn't ask her, because I don't like her.

Emily from CO09: puh-LEASE. That's like saying Buggs doesn't like crack.

Missing hairline: And i loooove crack bro

Daddy's money: Trust me Buggs, we know.

St Patrick's day; Idk where you lot have heard this rumour, but it's not true.

Emily from CO09: So why'd you go to the park with her then?

St patrick's day: Because we're sound?

Daddy's money: That's such a shit reason.

Party animal: Could you imagine Felix and Billy going to the park and Felix's reason was "because were sound."

Missing hairline: Face it man, you like her.

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