Chapter Four - Making Amends

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(Switch of POV)

The day the ex couple were prolonging had finally arrived. Both were scared on the outcome but they knew it had to happen.

Neither of them really ever enjoyed being vulnerable, especially over relationships. Both the boy and girl had reputations to uphold and that would not be ruined by a silly little fling. No way. Absolutely not.

They both took their time getting ready, making sure not to rush. Perhaps to get out of it for an extra five minutes or maybe to make sure they can cover up how they truly feel about the situation.

As Felix was tying his tie, Carla waited anxiously and looked out of her window. A light layer of snow covered the cobbled streets like a cozy blanket and a flush of peace ran through her body. Confidently, she picked up her phone and went to message Felix.

Carla: hey, i'm about ready. meet u in 5?

Felix jumped at the noise the vibration on his desk and went to pick his phone up, hands suddenly trembling ever so slightly.

Felix: Hey yes i am as well. Shall we meet at our spot?

"Our spot." The words felt like Carla had just been stabbed and removed the blade and poured alcohol over the wound and forcefully rubbed it in, getting it in every crevice. The sudden boost of confidence came crashing down with a heavy thud as she slumped on her bed. She stared at the ceiling, eyes stinging with tears.

"Our spot~" She mocked, pulling a contorted face "Wouldn't shock me if it's now his and Cindy's hookup place." Her eye twitched with anger at the mere thought of them kissing on that bench that was once unofficially declared theirs. She picked up a pillow and launched it across the room, landing with a poof before getting jammed in the corner.

Carla sighed and dragged herself off of the bed and stared and Felix's message once more.

Carla: yeah okay

She groaned and whined before chucking a coat on and heading out the door of her family home.


The walk to the park was cold and bitter, just how the past few weeks of their relationship had been. Endless arguments, constant disagreements and an abundance of cancelling plans and avoiding each other at all costs. Both of them knew it was going to end, it was inevitable. But neither were ready.

As Felix creaked open the rusty gate leading into the park, he couldn't help but wince at the mere sight of the desolate bench. The amount of laughs, tears and kisses that were shared over a year was unforgettable and nothing would ever be able to compete.

He walked over and sat down on his designated side and crossed his leg over the other, clasping his hands and looking around for his ex-girlfriend.

Finally, when Carla arrived. Felix's guilt flooded back and hit him hard. Why did he go to the party? Why did he take that shot? Why did he hook up with Cindy Cyprus? Because he's stupid, that's why. He's lost his drop dead gorgeous girlfriend to some stupid one time bimbo.

"Hello." Felix said, breaking the awkward silence between the two ex partners.

"Hi." Carla mumbled back. Why did she agree to this? It's pointless.

"I can't begin to explain how sorry I am, Carla." Felix sighed deeply with regret and stared longingly into the Latinas eyes.

"Well then why did you do it Felix?" Carla shook her head in disapproval at the blondes careless actions.

"I don't know, I was stupid, reckless even-"

"If you're gonna just keep apologising we're going to get nowhere." Carla butted in, getting sick of Felix's sob story.

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