Chapter 19- Introductions

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As Monty walked into his kitchen in the early hours of the morning, the last thing he expected to see was Carla stood laughing and chatting away to his mom with two massive bags that looked like they weighed the same weight as a small child.

"You're up early." Monty's mom chuckled, raising her eyebrows at her son.

"You two talking woke me up." He grumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"You look like you've been dragged through a bush." Carla snickered.

"Thanks for the confidence boost," He said sarcastically as he squinted his eyes and walked over to the coffee machine, "Also, what's the need for the bags? You could fit Penny in there if you tried hard enough."

"Jerome's new 'genius' idea. He's decided that instead of a party, we should all go on a camping trip. I have absolutely no idea where it came from, but I figured it would be fun." Carla shrugged.

"Camping? Really? What are we, Bear Grylls?" Monty rolled his eyes and drank his coffee.

"Lighten up a bit, Schatz, be grateful Carla's dragging you with her away for a weekend." Monty's mom scolded him.

"I'm glad someone appreciates the effort." Carla glared at Monty.

"Mm.. 'all hail Carla' or whatever." Monty mumbled under his breath as his mom cussed him out in German, even though Carla understood none of it, she giggled nonetheless.

As Carla and Monty were about to leave after Monty's mom gave him an embarassing wet kiss on the cheek whilst hauling two very heavy bags out the door, a short blonde ran up to them.

"Where are you going?" She tilted her head.

"On a trip." Monty stated unenthusiastically, not looking at Penny as he shuffled out the door.

Penny frowned, her eyes changing from the radioactive green to a baby blue, "How long for?"

"Only a couple days, don't worry." Carla smiled.

Penny stayed so quiet for a second you could practically hear the gears in her head turning.

"We'll be back soon, I promise. Hey, i'll even bring you back a present." Carla grinned as she whispered the last part into Penny's ear, although she didn't do a good job at whispering because Monty shouted back "She gets spoiled enough as it is!"

Penny giggled at her brother, "Okay, make sure Monty doesn't do anything stupid.. I worry about him."

Carla frowned slightly and nodded, "I'll keep an eye on him, don't worry." She winked and smiled and hugged Penny as she said her goodbyes.

As they got in the car and Carla buckled her seatbelt, she turned to Monty, "Do you mind if we stop at mine? I've still technically got to ask my dad if I'm allowed to go.. and I also need some clothes that aren't your moms."

Monty nodded, still keeping his eyes on the road but glancing at her through the corner of his eye, "Sure, you'll have to help me get to it though."

Carla nodded and directed him with slight impatience, but no yelling or arguing over the map ensued so she counted that as a win. They pulled up and she got out the car.

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