Chapter 12 - Free coffee? Yes please!

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Buzz.. Buzz..

Carla's eyes flickered open and shut repeatedly before finally closing, trying to act as if there wasn't a blatantly obvious ringing noise blaring a metre away from her.

Buzz. Buzz.

The latina groaned and threw her extra pillow over the alarm in a lame attempt to silence it.


"Okay I get it!!" She practically shouted before jolting upright and aggressively picking up her phone and looking at her home screen, before realising it wasn't an old alarm going off when she saw a familiar name staring directly at her.

Ginger dweeb 🖕🏽 is calling...

She scowled in confusion and picked up, "Hello?" She said half-asleep

A familiar voice answered, "Took you long enough to pick up." He remarked snarlingly.

"It's.. eight am?! What do you want from me?" She answered groggily.

"Have I woke you up?" The boy asked concerningly.

"No, idiot, clearly I sound like I have no voice all the time, also it's EIGHT am?? Who gets up at this time??" She angrily snared.

"Haha, relax! I'd expected you'd be an early riser." He giggled childishly at the brunette's remark.

"What, did you ring me for." Carla answered annoyed, if he had no real answer she was going to scold this boy.

"Calm down, I was just going to ask if you wanted to go to the park?"

"At EIGHT AM??" Her mouth dropped, who the hell goes to the park at eight in the morning apart from almond moms and gym bros??

"Is that a no then?" His tone had a twang of disappointment threaded in there, amongst cheekiness and hope.

"..." Carla hesitated, "Be outside mine at 10."

"Done." You could hear this boy's smile from over the phone.

"See you in 10." Carla put the phone down and let out a small smile, before realising and shaking it away.

She jumped out of bed and began to pick out an outfit. Eventually, she settled on a red t-shirt splattered with black tie-dye she had done last summer; when her and Billy got bored in her backyard. After throwing half her wardrobe out, she finally found her favourite black baggy ripped jeans that were buried at the bottom of her wardrobe. She put her curly brown hair in a half up half down before grabbing her house keys and falling back onto her bed to scroll for the remaining time it would take for Monty to arrive.

As soon as her phone buzzed she knew who it was. She bolted down the stairs, gave her little brother a kiss, and shouted a frantic goodbye to her dad before practically running out the front door.

Carla opened the passenger side door and jumped in turning to a grinning Monty, who looked surprisingly REALLY attractive whilst clutching the steering wheel.

"Hey trouble." He looked over and grinned his infamous grin before handing a cup to her, "I got you coffee since you sounded.. slightly exhausted when I called."

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