Chapter Seven - Game time

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"Dude, why are you stressing so much? You throw parties all the time." Monty chuckled as he looked over to his best friend who was frantically pulling at his hair, making certain sections flat and making others stick out prominently.

"I don't know, this party feels.. different," Jerome turned to face the ginger. "I can't pinpoint it, it's one of them feelings where you know somethings gonna happen, you get me?"

"I get you." Monty reassured his panicking friend. "Hey, maybe you'll actually talk to Diana this time." He jokingly elbowed the curly head and in return he got a forceful push, which caused him to nearly crash into the bathroom wall.

"Even if I did work up the courage to go up to her, One, I would definetely say some dumb shit and then fuck it up. And two, I can't talk-"

"I cAnT tAlK tO hEr ReALlY~" Monty mocked, "You say that everytime."

"Well it's true! I can't!" Jerome claimed.

"Idiot." The ginger smiled before earning another elbow to the hip, which soon escalated to a play fight which pretty much destroyed the entire interior of Jerome's en-suite bathroom.


Soon after the pairs bathroom squabble, it was time for the rest of the guests to begin to flood one of the many Huxley owned townhouses they rent out to Jerome to host his stupid, drama-starting parties.

One by one, the different friend groups starting piling in. First came Buggs, who was dressed in a plain off-white shirt with some blue denim jeans, Penny and Diana, who were dressed in matching flow-y summer dresses, they girls are quite an unusual pair and aren't seen together much but Buggs almost seemed to be parenting the two younger girls like a single dad.

Next Cindy entered wearing a hot pink backless crop top with a black leather mini-skirt and big black chunky heels, followed shortly after by Felix Huxley who was wearing a leather jacket and and baggy jeans. They definetely got the most looks out of all the couples and the looks were not good. Surprisingly, Felix seemed to be keeping his distance from the blonde and overall he looked like he didn't want be to at the party at all or be seen with Cindy in general.

Thirdly, Nugget and Lily entered holding hands. Lily wore a tight light blue dress with a floral pattern that looked like it was made for her, while Nugget wore a beige body warmer with a white polo shirt paired with matching cargo pants. The couple walked in smiling and everyone cheered causing the bluenette to blush and the blonde to laugh loudly at his date.

After the happy pair came Ted, Billy and Kid. The brunettes wore tight black joggers and graphic t-shirts whilst the wealthy boy wore baggy jeans and a cream coloured hoodie. Theodore clung onto his boyfriends arm and Kid rolled his eyes, by now he was used to have to third wheel his best friend and his partner constantly but he didn't mind, he liked Teddy and he made Billy happy which made Kid happy.

Eventually, Carla came in around 5-10 minutes after everyone else, she was always late to any party or social gathering going on due to her strict parents having to lecture her about alcohol and boys every single time she left the house.
She wore a white strapless corset top with long black jeans and her hair was down and straightened for the very occasion. As she walked in everyone minus Felix and Cindy began to cheer now that they could finally start drinking since everyone was there.

The party soon got ten times more lively when Jerome got up onto the kitchen island and popped a bottle of champagne for the whole gang, everyone got their drinks and finally started properly socialising.

Carla looked around the room for someone decent to talk to, which was hard because there wasn't many options. Ted and Billy were already making out, Nugget and Lily were so awkward it hurt, Buggs was rolling up a joint whilst watching over Penny and Diana who were having a gossip session in sign language and Jerome looked like he was already drowning his feelings in vodka and it had only been 5 minutes.

The Latina considered Felix as an option as the two had already made subtle efforts to communicate through their eyes but once she saw the blonde bimbo next to him, her heart dropped.

That cheeky bitch.

Firstly, Cindy really had the audacity to break the happy couple up at the last party and now she was continuing to flirt with him?!

Oh, it was on.

All she needed to do was find someone Cindy despised to talk to, that should set her off.

That girl is going to get what's coming to her if it's the last thing Carla does-

"Hey, you okay?" A voice shouted from behind, the music was too loud to talk normally so everyone had to practically scream over Jerome's stupid rave music.

Carla spun around faster the lightning to find none other than her business-rival-turned-aquaintance Monty Montgomery standing above her with a stupid smirk laid perfectly on his pale, freckle covered face.

"Monty!" Carla beamed up at the taller boy, "Hi, long time no see."

"How've you been?" He asked, his smirk twisting into a pleasant smile as he watched the Latina's lips move with every word she spoke.

Have they always looked that.. kissable?

"I've been good surprisingly, what about you?" She replied, raising her voice so it was possible to be heard.

"I've been okay, thank you." He smiled.

"What?" Carla inched closer to his face.

"I said I've been great!" He shouted.

"I can't hear you!" She complained and gestured to her ear.

Monty understood and gestured for the girl to follow him somewhere quieter, away from all the noise and where they could talk in peace.


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