11. Glowing

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After dinner, I ask if he have a water that I could use to at least wipe the dirt off of me. I can't see the sky since I am inside a mountain but I bet that it's already eleven thirty in the evening right now. I would love to sleep already but this dirt in my body keeps me awake. I am a twenty first century woman, and I can't sleep with the thoughts that many germs have entered my body. Thank goodness, as he said that he already prepared my bath! This is just the first day but I can already see how reliable he is. Not to brag but I do have an eye on people. Or rather, beastmen. After the uncomfortable bath, I hasten my steps to go to the sleeping room when I suddenly remember the things I told Rok before I ask for the water.


"Hey Rok, since we are on the topic... Can you um... sleep in your beast form for the meantime we sleep?"

"Okay hehe, no problem"

"And before we sleep, I'd like you to tell me something about yourself... I already told you a part of my place. Now it's your turn to share."

And right on cues, he freezes from my word.

"Hey, is there something wrong? Did I say something I shouldn't have? I am sorry... Let me rephrase my word. So um, if you're ready enough to tell me something about yourself, remember that I am always on ears, okay?"

He's tense shoulder loosen greatly from my follow up word. Hmm, it looks like he doesn't have a good memories, I should ask again ones he's comfortable.
While thinking about how to break this awkward silence, he interrupted my thoughts.

"Thank you, Sel."

"Hehe, you are welcome!"

~End of Flashback~

I told him that he could sleep early, but here he is, wide awake while waiting for me. Damn this man, why is he doing this to me? Now I could feel someone tickling my stomach.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"This is our first day together, we should sleep together."

"Right, but now I felt bad because I kept you waiting knowing that you're tired."

"No no, it's fine... Here's you're fur bed. I didn't expect that you'd come so I hastily did this. I'm sorry if this looks ugly."

"You know, we should stop saying sorry to each other. This is making us nowhere. Also, for a hastily made fur, it looks good."

"Is that so? Then thank you. Here, sleep now."

I made my way over the fur, it's like a nest made by a bundle of fur. Yes, it looks weird. But I didn't lie when I said that it looks good. Once you lay your body, it imitated the softness of a bed. Not as good as a modern bed, though it's better than others. I'm proud! I should also learn how to stitch so I could make him some clothes. Oh speaking of clothes, since his nakedness bother me, I tease him to cover himself or else I would pounce on him. His reaction is priceless! He blush like crazy before messily wore his skirt. Though I should totally refrain from teasing someone, it might bite me later on.

After settling myself on a comfortable position, Rok shifted and lay down besides me. The heat he's radiating totally lulled me to sleep... wishing that I could have a peaceful and bright future ahead of me.


It's been one week since I came to this world. All i did is stay cooped up in my den. I know that I should see the things this world offer, but my anxiety of meeting or even seeing new people is acting up. Even if I could plan and be decisive enough to follow it, my shaky heart is stopping me from doing so. The good thing from being inside the den, I could openly stare at my soon to be husband's flexing muscle. That's right, as being here is quite boring, in just one week, I made a habit of looking at Rok's well toned body. Isn't it great? I made some progress haha. Even if you don't believe me, I am really shy when it comes to looking at the opposite sex. That's why all of my close friends on earth is all girls or girl in there heart. Well, anyways, Rok sure is good at following promises. He made sure that I am comfortable with him. He always prepare my bath, food, and even the fur clothes that I am wearing. The fur is from the white wild fox he hunted. The clothes he made is a tube style bra, partnered with a long skirt that have a slit on its right side. I wish i have a mirror to look at my new clothes. Also I want to be able to show him my good sides too, but I don't know how to cook, stitch, and basically everything. Now, I really feel useless.

Anyways, before I fell asleep yesterday, I noticed that my box is glowing. So I took a look inside and then bam! My suspicion is right! It is the book that is glowing, not the box itself. Anyways since I already made my way to open the box, I cautiously open the glowing book. But all I could see is a book full of blank pages again, that is why I got irritated and unconsciously mutter.

"If you're going to glow and all, then you should show me something useful! You damn stupid book!"

After that, something weird happened. The blank notebook started showing letters like someone's using a type writer to write something. I didn't wait for long before the sentence finished. It says...

Welcome candidate 340 for safely arriving to this world. We prepared quest to help you quickly adapt in this beast world. In every quest accomplish, there is a reward at the end.

What? What is this? Is this the supposedly cheat item that can help the main character in some manga level up? Oh... Ohhh, let's analyse the sentence first. This book called me candidate 340 which means, there are 339 people before me that is also been transported here. Hmm, not sure if this is good, but it says after is the word safely arriving. Maybe, it's hard to transport people in here? I don't want to think this but maybe, some of the 339 people died before even arriving at this world? Sighing, I force myself to stop my thoughts for a moment. Okay, let's further read the book...

Here is the first basic three quest that you can do for this week.

1) Take a tour around the tribe.
2) Make some interactions to any females.
3) Change the structure of the den.

Hmm hmm, I see. I should be able to do this quest.
Actually, since it's been one week, I already thought of going out, but with this quest here, I have some goals that I need to achieve. Well, it's not bad since it's all easy and I would have a reward after I completed the mission. Let's do the quest in order, shall we...

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