14. Sudden Temper

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"Stupid book! Don't you know that I don't have a skills for stitching! Ughh, why did I even get my hopes up?!"

I angrily stand up and stomp my foot. Stupid stupid stupid! Ughhh!! Such a useless book... Should I burn it? Right right, I should do that...I don't even have a need for it because all it have is blank pages! I grab the food and walk to the living room. There, I saw the fire swaying, making me want to feed it more. Ugh thank goodness, the beastmen here's not afraid of fire...i can now get rid of this useless thing! Huu... Haaa... Huuuu~


After a while of contemplating whether to throw the book to the fire or not, I manage to stop my rage for a while before I regret the things that I am about to do and look for a description.

Description: While using the tools, the experience points of your stitching increases by 0.5 percent per minute. Isn't this an idle reward for an easy quest?

Ohhhh, I see I see....

This... Is good right? If I use this, I might be able to level up my crappy stitching skills. If that happened, I might be able to provide high quality products that could earn us our income. I could also provide Rok better clothes that will suit his handsome face. Just thinking about it brought me to cloud nine~ Now I felt bad about that tantrums earlier. I am just an average office worker, you see. I am not smart, nor a genius. I'm also not an mc in a novel book, so I don't have a plot armor...and I don't have a skill that is needed here to make money, like stitching. That is why lately, I mule the future of me and my family, and about how to make money.

Anyways, this means I jusjust need to practice and practice until I level up. Whew thank goodness. I placed the book gently before bowing down.

"I'm so sorry, my temper got the best of me, and I move without thinking. I should have waited and calm myself down instead of throwing a tantrum like that!"

I talk to the book like it's a person. I am insane, yes, but if it means that I'll be safe in the future then I'll do it a hundred times. Just then, the book open on it's own and glowed. Yep, this is what I am talking about.
Something come out of the book and it slowly take the form of a bone needles, in different shape. After that, another thing come up, it looks like some yarn and thread. Wow, is this the material it's talking about? Nicee! I have the tools and materials, now I just need some fur to stitch. Then... I'll start my journey to master stitching.


It's been three days already since I got the stitching tools and materials. I am trying my best in making a simple crop top without the sleeves. Now, lo and behold! I am making some progress hehe. In the past, I used to stop because I always got frustrated whenever I mess up the stitch. But now, I already stitch half of the cloth. Believe me or not, it looks easy to do but it's not. Especially to a talentless and beginner sewer like me. It's daytime right now, and I just finished my breakfast. That's why I'm off to go and continue my project when I suddenly remembered that I still have two unfinished quest. Sighing, I feel like the laid-back and peaceful life i invision is still so far far away.

I'm not rushing things so I could do it later after Rok came back from his duty. When he arrive that night three days ago, he actually hunted a chapiko. I got to taste some juicy and soft meat. I actually like it. Well, back to the topic, I added a mission of my own, on top of the two quest. It's about finding someone to join my family. While we toured around the tribe, I saw many handsome men, and some even flock around me. But it's either they are acting too high and mighty, or they are too weak to protect me. So I pass the opportunity given to me and thought that maybe, I'll find another mates in other city. Good grief, while thinking, I accidentally stung myself from the bone needle. I lick it and continue... Well, I tried but this big brute of a tiger came rushing on the bedroom and snatched my finger away. I thought that his still not back from duty?

"Hey! Stop it!" I said that while laughing coz he suddenly lick it too. "I understand that your concern, but I can handle that much... And why are you here, Rok? I thought you're still on duty!"

He stop licking my finger, but he just stared at my face. "Ah uhh, don't look at me like it's my fault your suddenly having a hard time." I said that because I saw his skirt bulge. Really, it's still one week and three days since I came here. I should atleast wait for one month before giving myself out right? Sigh~ but danger won't wait for me to get comfortable.

"I'm sorry, just give me a little bit more time before I make a decision."

"That's fine, take all the time you want, I'll always be here for you!" He said while beaming a beautiful smile back at me and continue "I'm home early because the chief let me, but I didn't expect to smell blood a few blocks away from the den, so I panicked."

"Hmm, I see, I see. Well, I've been practicing my stitching skills to improve but if I am not focus, I sometimes prick myself. Though it's fine, really."

"Then, Just... just be careful, okay?"

"Yeah, I promise. Oh and do you remember that I have two quest left from the book?"

"Yes, you said that it will give you reward after you finish it, just like that sewing tool you are using right now."

"That's right! That is why I am planning on doing it after you get home."

"Ohh, then we can do it after I get back from the hunt. We need to stock because the hazard season of snow is close."

"Okay that's fine with me, and can we visit Bush and his mate too, I remember that I need to visit her three times."

"Okay, we'll do just that."

After that conversation, he left to hunt. Anyways, I told Rok about the Book. I said that before I suddenly traveled here, I read about a book. I didn't tell the story but I said that, that book is giving me quest, and If I complete it, it will give me rewards that will help our lives. I'll told him about earth and the whole transmigration thingy after we completed our mating.

Tired from stitching, I took a nap. And I can confidently say that, that is one of the best nap I had in my entire lives.


Author's note:
Hello everyone, I apologize for the short chapter. I am again, getting busy with my acads. And also, I want you to know, my dear readers, that I won't be able to post a chapter starting tomorrow and until five days later. The reason being is that I would be away from my comfortable home for five days. And I will be super busy and don't have time to write. I hope you'll understand. 😅 I'll try to make the chapter longer after my short hiatus. So while I am away, please continue to support my book and maybe press the ⭐ button. Thank you very much and I hope you have a good days this weekend. Stay safe everyone!

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