Surprises - II

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Becky POV

I sneaked back to my house, Yuki is waiting for me in my room.

"Becky! You spent the entire night away! You were supposed to be grounded" she exclaimed in frustration.

"Yuki!" I hugged her "Sam asked me to move in with her!"


"I am moving into her condo today!" I laid on my bed.

"Becky.... Your parents won't let you go"

"I will lie that I am moving in with you" I said winking at Yuki.

"We will get into problem, if they found out that you are moving in with a human. These past days you haven't been in you best behaviour around humans"

"Yuki.... Tsk.... You are thinking too much. Don't worry about anything".

"Becky but...."

"Wait.... I have to call Nam first, I want her to go and pick Bonbon to a dog care center"

"Bonbon? That dog you brought yesterday?"

"Yeah! Me and Sam adopted him together."

Nam picked up my phone, Yuki left my room for some work. I instructed Nam what she needs to do, she was shocked listening about me and Sam, but she agree to do as I asked.

I changed into my office wear to go office early today, I can't wait to meet Sam, I feel tensed when she is not near me.

Yuki enters my room with some food (blood). "This is for you Becky, you haven't had any blood from last two days. Have this and recharge yourself" she passed me the coffee mug filled with blood.

"No, I don't want!" I rejected the cup.

"What's wrong with you? Why?" Yuki asks in confusion.

"It's.... Sam.... She doesn't like blood, I don't want to smell like this blood and I am getting late, I am going to pick her up from her home." I said taking my car keys and office bag.

"Don't get too much involved with her, she is just a human but she is affecting you very severely."

"What do you mean? I like her and I will do everything that she wants me to" I scolded her.

"Becky.... See this is what I am talking about. If you continue behaving like this, you might lead trouble towards her. She is just a human, powerless in front of a vampire. If your parents find out that a human is making you do things and controlling you, that won't be good for her...." Yuki warned me.

I pushed Yuki on the wall of my room in anger "How dare you to threaten me using her!".

Yuki freed herself from my grasp "I AM NOT THREATENING YOU, I AM TRYING TO HELP YOU BECKY! That human can be a liability for you and for your family."

"Don't dare to go near her and if you lead anyone towards her then our friendship is over!" I punched on the cupboard making it break and I left my room.



I went in our spare house where we store important things, I pulled out little wolfsbane from the sealed locker.

A wolfsbane is very powerful weapon against any supernatural, it's scent weakens them enough that they cannot compel anyone and it's poisonous to be consumed by a supernatural.

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