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"3x23: Insatiable (ii)"


Tye was racing off on his motorcycle and despite Derek's protesting, Casey had jumped immediately onto the back of Tye's motorcycle as well, with all sorts of weapons in her jacket.

Tye cut the engine and kicked the stand down once they reached the years long abandoned, Oak Creek internment camp. Tye looked over at Casey, who was nodding slightly at his facial expression as her phone buzzed in her pocket.

Casey looked at her phone and she saw an incoming call from Derek, as she looked at Tye. Tye nodded, getting the message as he focused his hearing on the coming cars, on them, rather than the phone call.

"Casey. I know that you can't talk back... That was something, that I never thought that I would miss. I saw you, before I dropped the lighter in your house. It wasn't me, I swear, but it was like I was trapped in the front row, unable to move as I watched it happen. I didn't mean any of it, the words or anything. I can't just let you go storming into a fight, without telling you that I'm sorry." Casey said nothing, which Derek was expecting at this point and Casey was staring at the ground. "If you are insistent and stubborn, and you are sure, that you want to keep fighting... Then, for the love of god, just come back alive." He said as Casey let out a choking sound and she could almost hear his silent emotions that he tried to hide.

Casey felt the pain in her throat lessening and she looked over her shoulder at Tye, whose veins were turning black. Casey nodded a little and Tye went back to standing next to the motorcycle.

"No promises." Casey's voice was a painful rasp as Derek let out a rather stunned chuckle.

"You can't speak for very long, can you?" Derek asked as Casey felt tears falling.

"No." Her voice, it was already now getting much weaker. "I won't die... I won't, not tonight." Casey whispered.

"You had better not." Derek said and Casey looked over at Tye, whose back was to her, but she had the sense that he was still listening. "I..." Casey knew what he was trying to say and she was nodding.

"No goodbyes." She whispered and Derek sighed at the words and Casey was shaking her head. "I love you too, though." She whispered.

"No goodbyes." Derek agreed and Casey nodded. "Tye, if you're listening to this... You get your ass back home, after this fight is done." Derek said as Tye was turning around to look at the phone.

"Will do. I'll get Casey back to you, I will." Tye promised as Derek chuckled at the words.

"I know you will." Derek murmured and Casey looked at Tye, who looked over at her and Casey was struck yet again, by how similar Derek and Tye looked.

The cell phone line, it swiftly went dead and Casey looked at Tye, who moved his arms around her. Casey was nodding and she looked at Tye, whose eyes glowed golden yellow.

"I would gladly die for you, you know that right? I owe you, way, too many of my debts to ever be paid." Tye said and Casey looked at him. She texted him something and Tye looked at his own phone.

"You don't owe me jack." Tye laughed at the message, before he nodded a bit at the words.


"I would die for you too. Without hesitation, I would throw myself onto an Oni's sword." Casey's second message came through and Tye looked up at her. "I'm willing to kill for you, lie for you, die for you. Death is a small price to pay for me to let you live."

"Derek won't see it that way." Tye pointed out and Casey looked up at him, before Tye turned to see that the jeep was pulling up.

"Casey, what in the hell are you doing out of the hospital already now?" Scott asked and Casey showed him a gun as she loaded it quickly and he looked at her. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"She's getting ready for a fight." Tye answered for Casey, who had multiple knives, guns and clips in her variously sized pockets. "Are we ready?" He asks and Casey sent out a text to all of their group.

"Let's go get Lydia back."

With that, they all walked into Oak Creek and Casey had a gun in one of her hands and a knife in the other, as she was walking next to Kira quickly, she the Thunder Kitsune, who was just now holding a katana in her hand like she was born to do so.

"Kira, turn around and go home. I suggest, that you take your friends with you."

"I can't. When I looked at the game I realized, just who I was, actually playing. You." Kira explained and as the Oni moved, Tye and Isaac each were quick to snap out their claws on each of their hands.


"It means that there has been a change in ownership." Tye quickly spun around and Casey was pointing her guns at the Nogitsune. "Now they belong to me." The Oni attacked their group fiercely.

Casey fired her guns as Noshiko swiftly moved to hide, standing to the side and now Kira was swiftly and skillfully, defending herself against the Oni with her katana.

Casey grabbed for her knives as she was blocking the Oni strikes quickly now, as Tye and Isaac worked together and Allison was firing arrows, none of which at the moment, really did anything to help.

Tye sent one flying back into Casey's knives and she ducked another swing as she staggered back.

Tye jumped in front of without thinking, as a massive cut was slashed across his chest and he slashed back at the Oni. Casey was standing at his back and she fired guns once again, as they lunged for her, two of them.


Victoria looked up along with Derek and they both heard the rasping cry, along with the painfully-loud, grieving howl and they looked at each other, before they were lowering their heads.

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