FORTY-ONE|Grieving Fear

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"4x06: Orphaned"


Victoria heard Beatrice's roaring from the locker room and Violet lunged at the two of them. Victoria roared and she bit down hard on Violet's side and the girl, she screamed at the pain.

Beatrice was trying to help Brett, who was shuddering in pain. "I have got you, Brett, I swear. I'm not leaving." She said quietly as she was getting him to the Animal Clinic and Victoria was helping them.

Beatrice was waiting outside of the Animal Clinic with her head held in her hands and she was listening in pain, to Brett as he was struggling to survive and to the unlikely duo of Stiles and Derek, who were struggling to hold him.

"You should be in there with them to help Brett, help calm him down." Victoria spoke while Beatrice's eyes were downcast and tears were running down her face. "Look, I know how painful it can be. But you have to be strong or else, he might not make it." She said and Beatrice shuddered in pain.

"I can't watch another member of my pack die, Victoria I can't do it." Beatrice whispered and Victoria's eyes glowed gold. "Tori, please don't make me." Beatrice whispered and she looked at Victoria, who nodded a little.

"I'm going in there, whether you go in or not, that's up to you. But either way, I can't take his pain like you can. You have to care about the person to take pain away and I... I don't." Victoria said as Beatrice said nothing to that, and Victoria quickly walked into the Animal Clinic.

Victoria jumped over the table and she landed on her feet on the other side, as she turned around and she was quickly pushing Brett into the table. "Brett, you idiot, we are trying to help you!" Victoria shouted and he was desperate and now, his desperation and his pain had made him stronger.

They were all flung backwards and Victoria's tail helped her balance, as she kicked off of the wall and lunged for Brett again. "Stop it, you idiot!" She shouted and he snarled, biting down on her arm and she shouted in pain, as she backed up quickly.

"Stop!" Brett looked up and a fist hit him across the face and he crumpled like a ball of paper, as Beatrice's eyes shone blue. "Do what you have to do, Doctor Deaton." She said as she was swiftly crouching down next to Brett, who was out like a light.

Deaton crouched down quickly now on the other side of Brett, who'd stopped breathing and he cut the incision open in Brett's chest, as the werewolf gasped and Beatrice's eyes glowed.

Her instincts took over without any proper warning as his pain was flowing out of him and Beatrice's eyes continued to glow and then, she let the pain go and she kept a hold of his hand.

"What three things cannot ever long be hidden. The sun, the moon, the truth. The sun, the moon, the truth." Beatrice whispered and she shut her eyes, as she was attempting to stabilize her own hands which trembled.

"It's Buddhist." Deaton said and Derek looked over at Beatrice, who shuddered in pain. "Is he a part of your pack?" Deaton asked gently and Beatrice's pain was clear.

"He's your anchor, isn't he?" Victoria realized and Beatrice glanced up at her as Victoria sighed. "No wonder, you didn't want to be here with us if he died." She murmured and Beatrice growled.

"I need to find Satomi." Beatrice said and Derek nodded. "But I need help." She said and the two other Hales in the room, they both nodded.

"We're with you." Victoria said and Beatrice's nod was clear. After a few hours of waiting, Beatrice was helping Brett into a car that Casey had driven over. Beatrice got into the driver's seat.

Beatrice took Brett and Victoria back to the loft and thankfully Casey had thought ahead as she had already brought Brett's gear bag and stuff to the loft, before they had arrived.

Beatrice had gotten Brett quickly set up in the room that she usually stayed in, while it was Victoria who was in her normal room at the loft.

"You can bunk with me in my room, if you want to." Victoria offered as she spotted that Beatrice was sitting on the desk, watching Brett sleep. "I can take the floor." She said.

"You were right, earlier." Beatrice said and Victoria's eyebrows raised. "I was hiding in the back, instead of helping like I should have and he could've died. He almost did." She said and Victoria sighed.

"It wasn't your fault." She said as Beatrice's eyes glowed icy blue. "You were scared and stressed, grieving all at once. You never even let yourself grieve for our family, properly after the fire, did you?" Victoria asked and Beatrice glanced at her. "I watched Derek and Mom do the same thing and I watched it turn Derek, into some paranoid fricking guy that I didn't even fricking recognize as my uncle." She said and Beatrice sighed. "You have to let it go." Victoria said and Beatrice stared at her.

"What would you know about it? Huh? You weren't there! Hell, you had barely been just born!" Beatrice snarled and Victoria looked at her. "You were never hunted, you never got stuck in another form because of grief, you never felt like you were dying because of all the pressure!" Beatrice roared and Victoria was completely unprepared, as Beatrice had grabbed her and Victoria was slammed into the wall and Beatrice roared in her face.

"Beat, stop." Beatrice's eyes faded back to brown and she let Victoria go, as she walked back over to Brett, who was waking up and he looked over at Victoria, who left the room in silence as she shut the door behind them.

Victoria was going to help the duo of Derek and Malia to find Satomi, until she got a call from Scott. "Scott, I'm a little busy..."

"Liam's missing." Scott said as Victoria's eyes glowed gold at the words and she was looking over at Malia and Derek.

"Go." Derek said as Victoria was taking off quickly towards the trail that Scott said that Liam and Mason had been running along earlier that day and she was able to pick up a scent trail.

But after she found the blood on the dirt and leaf-covered ground, she had only gone a few dozen feet before she had lost it again.

Victoria was about to give up completely on the search for Liam, she had been lookin' for hours and then she heard it.

A yell tore through the air and at the sounds, Victoria took off towards the noise and she was running fast, letting her tail free as she used everything in her for speed and she was running towards the well.

Liam was about to fall and Victoria's tail anchored her to the outside as she grabbed him. Liam's eyes widened as Victoria pulled him up and Scott came running at the same time. Victoria's tail unwound from the side and she nodded a little, and Scott took over and he looked at her. "Werelion?" Scott asked.

"Werelion." Victoria agreed and Scott nodded at the word and despite Victoria's reservations about not being too keen on physical contact, Victoria was pulled into the hug and now, all three of them were hugging quickly.

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