FORTY-THREE|Terrible Plans

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"4x08: Time of Death"


"This plan is beyond stupid." Everyone jumped at the sight of Victoria standing in the doorway to Scott's house, with her arms crossed over her chest. "You're seriously doing this?" She asked.

"Unless you have a better idea." Scott remarked and Victoria glanced over her shoulder, as Kit walked up to the doorway and he was looking at them.

"I'll do it." Kit offered casually as they all looked at each other. "Before you protest it, I have done this type of stuff before and much more importantly..." He glanced over at Victoria, who nodded. "My kid has seen me do it and she knows as well as I do, that I can survive it." He said as Kira's fingertips crackled with electricity.

"You're not number one on the list though." Scott said and Kit looked over at him.

"True... But I'm an alpha werelion. It's extremely rare to see one werelion in a normal lifetime, let alone a father and daughter pair who are both in the same place at the same time." Kit replied and Scott narrowed his eyes. "It's rare for a werelion to survive into their teen years like Victoria, let alone survive into their adulthood like me, okay? Trust me. The Benefactor will show up, we just have to be sure that they are the only person that will show up." Kit pointed out.

"Which is why we need you alive and working. You're strong enough to almost throw me through a wall..."

"Oh, I'm a lot stronger than that." Kit interrupted and Scott looked at him. "Ask Derek about the time that Laura and I first met as Betas and you will get the idea." He said with a shrug.

"Should we be scared of you?" Liam asked from the other side of the room and Kit was looking over at him, as his tail swung freely from side to side.

"Yes." Victoria answered for her dad as she was looking at the three laptops. "They are right, Dad, they need you alive. You can take on a Berserker yourself and survive. If this so-called "Benefactor" is anything even remotely supernatural, then we need you awake." Victoria said as she walked to join the others and she looked at them all. "So, what's the plan again?" She asked.

Victoria and Liam were downstairs as Kira and Noshiko, were both upstairs with Scott and Stiles. "Liam, we will bring him back before the time runs out, you don't have to worry about it." Victoria said as she leaned back against the wall and Liam looked over at her. "Your heart is pounding." She said as he looked down.

"I can't stop thinking now, about what happens if we don't bring him back when time runs low." Liam said and Victoria was nodding a little, as she pushed off of the wall and she held out her hand to him. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"Trying to give you something else to focus on." Victoria said with a shrug as he looked at her, clearly trying to gauge how serious she was. "Never mind then." She said and he reached out and took the offered hand. "You are having trouble focusing, your heart is pounding because you're worried about the Alpha, your Alpha. My trick is to focus on the calmest heartbeat in the room." Victoria said and Liam glanced at her.

"How are you so calm about this?" Liam asked and Victoria sighed quietly and her tail was whipping back and forth.

"Like my dad said, he has done this before and I've seen him survive this. It's annoying, it's scary the first few times, but they always bring him back in time." Victoria said as he was looking at her, before he turned his head slightly.

Victoria listened to her own heartbeat and she was shutting her eyes and she lowered her head, allowing her hearing to expand and she could hear his heartbeat slowing by the second.

"Sounds like it worked." Victoria said and she opened her eyes, as he looked at her as he nodded. "Are you gonna be okay now?"

"Yeah, thanks." Liam said and she let go of his hand and she was moving back to sit on the floor, leaning against the wall. "Are you okay?" He asked as her eyes quickly flicked up to look at him. "Look, you just helped me calm down. The least that I could do, is ask you how you're doing." He said as he sat on the floor next to her.

"You don't really want to know." Victoria said and he glanced over at her, before he realized that she was being serious. "No one ever actually wants to know." She said as he reached out and his fingers laced with hers.

"Maybe no one that you have talked to before now, but I'm asking because I want to know." Liam said and Victoria glanced up the stairs and she had a good gut feeling that her dad was listening.

"I'm going for a run!" Victoria hollered up the stairs and she lifted up her jacket, as she was tucking her tail underneath her jacket and he looked at her, as she was getting up and she was walking towards the door. "Are you coming or not?" She asked as he looked at her in confusion, before he was getting up and she was taking off down the street.

"Is this wolf training or something?!" Liam called as they were both racing through the woods and Victoria snorted, as she turned around to run backwards as she faced him.

"If you want it to be. Race you to the chasm!" Victoria said and at the words, he ran after her quickly, breaking into a sprint easily and Victoria powered forward at a full sprint as Liam lost track of her.

Liam jumped over the chasm and he very nearly made it, but he caught the edge and he was yelling in a panic.

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