TWELVE|A poison and a cure

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"3x10: The Overlooked"

"They're already here, aren't they?" Jennifer Blake asked and then Scott, Stiles and Victoria were walking out from behind the wall. "So, they told you it was me? That I am the one taking people?" Jennifer asked.

"We told him that you're the one killing people." Scott countered and Jennifer scoffed at his words.

"Oh, that's right. Committing human sacrifices? What, cutting their throats? Yeah, I probably do it on my lunch hour. That way, I can get back to teaching high school English for the rest of the day. That makes perfect sense." Jennifer said sarcastically.

"Where's my dad?" Stiles asked with tear tracks still on his face as Victoria was looking directly at Derek, and for right now, she was ignoring Jennifer completely. With her eyes, she was silently pleading for him to listen to her, to them instead of Jennifer.

"How should I know?" Jennifer asked as she was turning back around to look at Derek, who watched it go on with barely an expression on his face as he looked at her. "Derek, tell me that you don't believe this." She said and Derek looked at Stiles, who had fresh tears coming down his face.

"Do you know what happened to Stiles's father?" Derek asked and she was shaking her head at once.


"Ask her why she almost killed Lydia." Scott said almost immediately after Jennifer had denied the knowing of the whereabouts of Sheriff Stilinski, or what happened to him.

"How about you ask her, why she took Casey?" Tye had finally arrived and he looked directly at Derek, who moved toward his little brother. "Ask her." Tye was still crying, but the tears were also now from complete rage.

"What is he talking about?" Derek asked as he looked over at Jennifer and the woman was shaking her head in denial.

"If you don't believe me, then just give me a time when you have ever seen her without this." Tye tossed it through the air and Derek caught the broken necklace. His eyes glowed red at the sight of the triskelion charm, as his mind briefly was flashing away to the past, from the present moment.

"What do you know?" Derek snapped at Jennifer as his eyes flashed in anger and he clenched the necklace tighter in his hand, and now currently there was a whole damn rollercoaster, of so many different emotions inside of his body and each of them, they always hurt more and more.

"I know that these three boys and your niece, for whatever misguided reason, are filling your head with an absurd story. And one they can't even prove, by the way." Jennifer said coldly.

"Derek, please." Tye whispered as Derek looked over at his little brother and Tye's pain was all over him, the agony of losing his family... No, their family. It was hitting him all over again, like endless waves from an ocean. "Derek, she was my only real family... For a long fucking time." It was a desperate plea and Derek's eyes flashed.

"But actually, what if we can simply prove it though?" Jennifer hadn't been expecting Victoria to speak up, which made it very satisfying for Victoria, to see her surprise that was written all over and all over on her face. "It is a very small thing. But as I'm sure that you know, that even small things, can be extremely powerful." Victoria said and she nodded slightly at Scott, as he stepped forward.

"What is that?" Jennifer asked as Scott was holding up a jar with some powder in it, a toasted-bread kind of a color.

"My boss told me that it's a poison and a cure, which means, that you can use it and it can be used against you." Scott unscrewed the lid on the jar and then at the words that she was apparently recognizing Jennifer's eyes widened to the size of a pair of very small moons.

"Mistletoe?" Jennifer accused, right before Scott flung the powder at her.

Derek stepped back and Tye moved over to stand next to him, followed at once by Victoria, who stood with her family. "I won't stop until we find Casey." Derek murmured softly and Victoria nodded and now, he was just tucking the chain into his back pocket of his pants.

Jennifer tried to run and Victoria brought out her claws, stepping out in front of her, with a rather fearsome roar. Jennifer looked at her with a stunned expression in her eyes.

"Well well, a werelion. I haven't seen one of your kind in..." Victoria cut her off by slashing at her stomach and then, Jennifer screamed.

There was a clearly deep and bloody gash in her side from Victoria's swipe, but it was already healing. Derek grabbed Jennifer by the throat as she was choking as Derek brought out his claws on his free hand. "Derek you still need me." Jennifer gasped.

"What are you?!" Derek snarled loudly as he gripped tighter around her neck.

"Derek, stop! We still need her, to be able to find Casey!" Victoria cried out and Tye was yelling at his brother and finally, Derek let go of Jennifer.

Victoria's tail was curled up across her lap like a second seatbelt as she was sitting in the backseat of Stiles' jeep, as they were following Derek and Jennifer in her car, while Tye was in another car with Freya. The daughter of the Alpha Pack's, Kali and the recently deceased Ennis and she was helping them. Not that any of the others really trusted her, but Victoria could tell that there was something else going on.

"I'm surprised that you're willing to help us." Stiles said as Tye and Freya were on the other end of the phone line.

"Jennifer Blake, her name used to be Julia Baccari. She was my mother's Emissary once, she was also her best friend. She was the one that my mother had the worst time killing in her eyes. My mother told me that she was dead, long ago, but I guess that she wasn't fully dead." Freya was saying with a choked-sounding voice.

"And now, she is slaughtering innocent people to take on your pack." Victoria remarked and Freya sighed quietly. "If there is something that you're not telling us you should try to remember that I could have easily torn you apart, as soon as Tye brought you with us." Victoria threatened with a low growl.

"I'm not scared of a fourteen year old kid." Freya replied.

"You should be scared." Stiles remarked and Victoria went silent after from the other end, Tye and Freya had hung up the phone. "Are you okay?" He asked and Victoria was silently looking at him.

"I cut her so deep, that she should have bled out in minutes. I watched a wound that would've killed anyone else, heal in seconds." Victoria said and Stiles looked at her. "That wound should have killed her." She said quietly.

"Leave her to Derek. You just have to worry about living to your 15th birthday." Stiles replied as Victoria looked at him. "Derek might be a hard-ass and a sour wolf, but he will walk through hell and heaven to protect his family. I haven't ever seen him as protective over someone, as I have seen him over you." Stiles said and Victoria sighed.

"Thanks Stilinski." Victoria mumbled.

"Well, that is all the motivational stuff that I have in me for the night." Stiles declared and Victoria chuckled softly at the words and she looked over at him. "What are you looking at me for?" He asked and Victoria shrugged.

"Your dad will be fine." Stiles stopped at the red light and he turned to look at her. "Especially if he has Casey stuck in there with him, your dad will be perfectly fine. Considering what Casey has been through, being kidnapped by a Darach, it shouldn't really be that bad." Victoria said and she sighed. "It's green." Victoria said and nodded at the light, as Stiles turned around and he put his foot on the gas.

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