Chapter 1: Reunion

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"Please come back, Y/n!" Maya begged over the phone. Maya is my best friend from North Hills High School.

"It's not like I moved across the country. Not even across the state!" I laughed.

She sighed, "Yeah, I know. But still, how am I supposed to go through the school year without you? I won't be able to—especially if I have Mr. T again."

"I believe in you, Maya. You are beautiful, kind... You'll have no problem making new school friends. Just don't let them take my place as overall best friend though," I told her.

"Of course not! That spot is reserved for you, and you only," she assured.

"Yeah, it better be."

There was a silence between us for a moment.

"Well," she said, "I better get to bed."

"Me too, before my parents wake up."

"I miss you already," Maya told me.

"I miss you too. But don't worry, we'll see each other again very soon. I'm not too far away."

We said our goodbyes, before hanging up. I put my phone down and sighed.

My body was tired from all the moving and unpacking. My back ached, as did my legs and arms. But finally, it's done.

I fell asleep quickly, the tiredness from the move-in taking over.

✰ ✩ ✰

The next morning, I walked down the stairs, the smell of fresh paint still reminiscent in the air. The morning sun shown brightly through the windows, lighting up the house. I turned the corner into the kitchen, where my mom was cooking breakfast and listening to music.

She heard me walking and glanced back. "Good morning, hon'!" She reached the small nob on the radio and turned down the sound a little. "Did you sleep well?" she asked, turning back towards the stove.

It's been just my mom and me since my brother left for college. My dad has been in the military since I was young; he's stationed overseas right now.

"Yeah," I answered. I pulled out a stool and sat down. "It was normal. Quiet." I shrugged my shoulders lightly.

She chuckled. "It won't be quiet for very long."

I raised an eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. She looked at me with a smile, "Nothing..."

I narrowed my eyes, looking at her.

"Breakfast is almost ready. Y/n, would you mind setting the table, please? And bring the orange juice out." My mother nodded towards the dining area.

I listened, grabbing the juice first and bringing it to the table. Then I came back and grabbed two plates and enough silverware for the two of us.

My mom walked to the table with three cups in her hands. "Whoops, looks like I grabbed an extra glass," she said, walking over and placing the extra cup in an empty spot.

"I'll put it away." I began to reach for it, but my mom stopped me.

"No no, it's ok," she told me, before gesturing for me to sit. She went back and brought out the food, before taking a seat across from me. She made bacon, eggs, waffles, and hash browns.

"Wow, Mom. What's the occasion?" I asked with a little laugh.

"No occasion." She smiled, looking over the table. "Oh, we're short a plate. I'll be right back."

Then and Now // Robby Keene x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now