Chapter 7: First Victory

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My karate has gotten much stronger now that I've been training with Sam and Robby. It's sort of exhilarating when I get a kick or a kata right.

Demetri, on the other hand, is still trying to complete his chores. I've helped him here and there, but what we all realized is that Demetri loves to complain.

He complains about his hurt arms, tired legs, and having to pee. He even complained about a splinter he got on one of the decks... he wouldn't stop complaining for the rest of that day. I can tell Mr. LaRusso gets a little annoyed sometimes.

However, to Demetri's credit, he is very smart. He figured out the muscle-memory-chores trick on his own way before I had. He's also very kind and thoughtful... when he wants to be.

But today is a new day. We're here at the dojo, about to start practice. Demetri and I were stretching, while Robby and Sam practiced the wheel technique on the round platform in the pond.

I stretched my arms and my legs, along with my back, getting ready for today's training. Although... I was a little bit distracted. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, right on top of Robby's shirtless body. I don't know what got into me, but I couldn't help but sneak small glances when I got the chance.

Demetri must have realized I was looking at something, because he turned around and faced Robby and Sam. "Uh, hey," Demetri spoke, "are we doing shirts versus skins? 'Cause I prefer to be a shirt." Then he looked at Sam. "Not saying you have to be a skin. Unless you want to. I support your right to choose."

Sam smiled slightly and nodded while he spoke. Then Demetri got called over to Mr. LaRusso on one of the decks. Then Mr. LaRusso called to me. "Y/n, you join Robby and Sam doing the wheel technique. They'll teach you."

I looked back at Robby and Sam, a little nervous. Then, I walked over to them. "Welcome," Robby said. "Care to join us?" He held his hands out towards an open spot on the pond platform. I tilted my head with a chuckle. "Looks like I have to."

Robby held out his hands towards me. "Here, I'll help you on," he said. I put my hands in his and carefully stepped on. The platform shook a little with my added weight, but returned still once we were evenly balanced out.

Robby and Sam both walked me through the movements. Having two other people on the platform helped keep it balanced, much more balanced than when they were learning it themselves. Whenever I made a wrong move, I didn't fall in like they had. Soon enough, I was starting to get the moves.

"I don't know if we'll ever use this in a fight, but if we're ever forced into a dance battle, we're set," Robby joked.

"They could call us... The Dancing Miyagis," I said.

"Oh my gosh, that's terrible," Sam added, making us all laugh.

But the laughing made the platform start to move. I felt my feet start to slip this time. I was about to fall in when Robby caught my arm. I took a relieved breath out, looking at him. He pulled me straight up again.

"Thanks Robby."

"Wait a second," he started, narrowing his eyes at me. "You haven't fallen in yet..."

I looked at him again. "And your point is?" I asked.

"My point is..." Robby made the platform sway, "You have to fall in like us." My arms moved around quickly, trying to regain my balance. "No, no. Robby, don't do this." He made the platform sway again.

"It's only fair, Y/n," he said, making the platform sway again. I got my balance again. "Stop while you still have the chance," I told him. He raised an eyebrow, "While I have the chance? What are you gonna do if I don't?"

Then and Now // Robby Keene x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now