Chapter 18: Angel Eyes

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I sat in the front office in silence, waiting for my mom to show up. After all the fights were broken up, they made us all come here so they could talk to each of our parents. Parents came and left with their kids, until it was just me and one Cobra Kai student left.

By my feet sat my backpack. If my phone wasn't in there, I wouldn't have bothered getting it. When I went back into the classroom, my eyes fell on Robby's bag next to mine. I thought for a moment, hesitating, before decided to grab Robby's backpack as well.

I slouched in my chair and put my head in my hands. My head was hurting like hell, and I wasn't talking about the marks from the fights on my face. There was a bruise crowding my eye, one on my cheek, and several on the rest of my body.

Suddenly, I felt some kind of liquid drip down onto my lips. I moved my hand and wiped it, looking down at my fingers; they were covered in blood, which was dripping generously from my nose. I sat up, wiping at it again.

"You got a little something on your face," someone spoke from a couple chairs down. I slowly turned my head towards him. He was smirking at me.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "No shit, Sherlock. Thanks." I stood up from my chair towards the front desk and grabbed a tissue, using it to clean up my face. Once I cleaned most of it up, I grabbed an extra tissue and sat back down, slouching again.

I couldn't get the image out of my head; Miguel laying in the stairs, being rushed away in an ambulance.

I also couldn't stop thinking about Robby's face after it happened. I know he didn't mean to do what he did. I hope he's alright too... wherever he is.

The door to the front office opened, and I nonchalantly looked over. I started looking back forward, when it finally registered who had walked through it. I whipped my head back in that direction and sat up in my chair quickly.

Through the door came my mom, who looked beyond worried and flustered, and... my dad.

My heart started beating out of my chest. What's he doing here? How long has he been here? What did he hear?

My mom sped towards me and grabbed my face gently, looking at all the injuries. "Honey, what happened? Are you ok? I got a call—" she started, but was interrupted.

"Mr. and Mrs. Y/l/n?" My parents both looked at the principal of West Valley High and nodded their heads. "Follow me, please," the lady said. My mom listened, following right behind her into the principal's office.

My dad took a few steps in that direction, before stopping and looking over to me. He looked for a couple seconds, before walking over to me instead. Before he reached me, I stood up from my chair.

We met, and he wrapped his arms around me in a strong embrace. I hugged him back—it's been so long since the last time we did this. He kissed the top of my head before letting go.

"Surprise," he whispered jokingly. I smiled slightly in response. He smiled back, before turning and walking into the principal's office, closing the door behind him.

I stood there, looking at the closed door. Suddenly, everything became too much. I felt stressed, guilty, I was in pain. Tears pricked their way into my eyes and my throat started to hurt. I felt like breaking down, but then I remembered who else was in the room.

I looked over at him, hoping he wasn't looking at me. Sure enough, he was. He was sitting straight in his chair now, leaning forward slightly. I looked back at him, unsure what to say.

Eventually, I spoke. "What?" I asked.

He stared for a moment, before lightly shaking his head in silence. I rolled my eyes and sat back down in my chair. He watched me, finally looking away a few seconds after I sat down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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